Utah lawmakers, strengthen Social Security and Medicaid!

Senator Hatch, Senator Lee, Representative Bishop, Representative Stewart, Representative Chaffetz, Representative Love

We're concerned that rhetoric coming out of Washington D.C. is talking about balancing the budget and "fixing" health care legislation by cutting vital safety net programs like Social Security, Medicaid, and SNAP benefits.

We work hard and pay taxes to support these social programs, so that we can rely on them if we hit a turn of bad luck, and to support others in our community who find themselves in that position.

While Wall Street has recovered from the financial crisis, many ordinary people have not. At times like these we should be working to expand programs that allow everyone, regardless of income, to live with basic human dignity.

  • Medicaid should be expanded to cover more people, so that everyone has access to the healthcare services they need. Hardworking families shouldn't be stuck making too much money to qualify for Medicaid, and not enough to afford private health insurance coverage.
  • Social Security funding should be increased to ensure its long-term sustainability. All workers should contribute the same percentage of their income to this program, regardless of whether these earnings are in the form of wages, bonuses or investment income. We should "scrap the cap" to remove the income cap on contributions to the fund. Additionally, the cost-of-living formula should be adjusted to better reflect the real expenses that families and seniors face, and a care-giver credit should be instituted to protect the security those who must leave the work force to care for loved ones.
  • SNAP benefits should be expanded to ensure that no one goes hungry in Utah. We simply can't allow children, adults and seniors to go hungry just because they can't afford food. In addition to protecting our communities from hunger, SNAP benefits stimulate our local economies, creating jobs in many sectors, from food production to retail.

Sign this petition to Utah's federal lawmakers to let them know you don't want them to solve budget problems by taking vital services from the most vulnerable members of our communities.

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To: Senator Hatch, Senator Lee, Representative Bishop, Representative Stewart, Representative Chaffetz, Representative Love
From: [Your Name]

We urge you to stand up to protect the social safety net programs Utah's seniors, veterans, disabled workers and low-income families depend on.

We are deeply concerned by policies coming out of Washington D.C. that threaten to reduce funding for Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and SNAP benefits. Lawmakers shouldn't be trying to solve budget problems by picking on the most vulnerable.

We pay taxes to support these vital programs, so that we can rely on them if we hit a turn of bad luck, and to support others in our community who find themselves in that position.

These programs should be expanded, not cut.

- Medicaid should be expanded to cover more people, so that everyone has access to healthcare services they need. Hardworking families shouldn't be stuck making too much money to qualify and not enough to afford private health insurance coverage.

- Social Security funding should be increased to ensure its long-term sustainability. All workers should contribute the same percentage of their income to this program, regardless of whether these earnings are in the form of wages, bonuses or investment income. We should "scrap the cap" to remove the income cap on contributions to the fund. Additionally, the cost-of-living formula should be adjusted to better reflect the real expenses that families and seniors face, and a care-giver credit should be instituted to protect the security those who must leave the work force to care for loved ones.

- SNAP benefits should be expanded to ensure that no one goes hungry in Utah. We simply can't allow children, adults and seniors to go hungry just because they can't afford food. In addition to protecting our communities from hunger, SNAP benefits stimulate our local economies, creating jobs in many sectors from food production to retail.

We urge you to stand against partisan division and to protect these important programs that our communities rely on.


The Utah Coalition of Manufactured Homeowners and the undersigned