Veto Legislature's Devastating Budget

Florida Governor Rick Scott

The legislature passed a state budget that cuts critical areas of Florida's infrastructure and was hatched behind-closed-doors without public input or debate. From gutting public schools to eliminating land conservation funds, the spending plan fails to meet the needs and challenges facing Florida.

Tell Gov. Rick Scott to veto the legislature's devastating budget!

Lawmakers voted against our communities when they cut funding for key state investments that promote long-term prosperity for all of us. Lawmakers failed to take stock of the current needs and challenges facing Florida, including our rapidly growing population, staggering lack of affordable housing, unacceptable teacher shortages and unhealthy communities across the state.

A few lowlights in this budget [via Florida Policy Institute] -- it:
  • Reduces bridge construction funding by 60 percent (because this seems like a good idea when infrastructure is crumbling);
  • Includes $30.2 million in permanent cuts to schools;
  • Hundreds in millions of dollars in cuts from hospitals that provide healthcare to children, the disabled and elderly;
  • Cuts Water Policy and Ecosystem Restoration and State Lands Program by almost 30 percent and 44 percent, respectively;
  • Decreases health and human services by almost $149 million.

Join thousands of Floridians across the state and demand Gov. Scott veto this budget that undermines the state's economic potential and hurts real people like you, me and future generations.  

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To: Florida Governor Rick Scott
From: [Your Name]

Please use your power for good and veto the legislature's devastating budget immediately. The flawed spending plan cuts key areas of our infrastructure and will hurt communities across the state. Our economy cannot afford more short-sighted cuts that starve public schools, zero out conservation funding and mean less access to health care for children, the disabled and elderly.