Walk it back Ms. Steinem - We aren't here for the boys
Gloria Steinem

We Won!
Earlier today, Gloria Steinem apologized for her statement. This was the right thing to do. We are sharing this statement on social media:
As women supporting Bernie Sanders we are fighting for the future of our families and communities, and not solely the success of a select few. Corporate feminism does not trickle down. Our commitment to equality will not be swayed by those who benefit from maintaining the status quo. We do appreciate Gloria Steinem for acknowledging the problem with her word choice, and walking back her prior statement. However, remember Ms. Steinem similarly "misspoke" in 2008 in regards to supporting then Sen. Clinton because Black men got the right to vote first. All in all this deserves some weak tea.
This is the text of Ms. Steinem's statement:
"In a case of talk-show Interruptus, I misspoke on the Bill Maher show recently, and apologize for what's been misinterpreted as implying young women aren't serious in their politics. What I had just said on the same show was the opposite: young women are active, mad as hell about what's happening to them, graduating in debt, but averaging a million dollars less over their lifetimes to pay it back. Whether they gravitate to Bernie or Hillary, young women are activist and feminist in greater numbers than ever before."
Our take is that the rapid response of women supporters of Bernie Sanders, on social media and elsewhere, helped ensure this positive outcome. The fact is, a women can be a feminist no matter which candidate she supports in this primary contest. (And the same goes for men.) So the shallow and demeaning effort to portray supporters of HRC as somehow 'more in tun with feminism' than those of us who #FeelTheBern ought to be finally laid to rest.
A big thank you to all the wonderful women who made this action possible! Below is the original text of this petition. The original list of signers appears at the bottom.
The other day on the Bill Maher show, you said that young women were supporting Bernie Sanders in such large numbers because 'the boys are with Bernie.' [CNN]
This statement represents one of the worst pronouncements on gender we have seen from a notable person in this election season. It's particularly significant because you are a feminist icon whose leadership continues to inspire, and because the statement was such a sweeping condemnation of young women. One of the hallmarks of a leader is the ability to admit mistakes. We hope that you are the kind of leader who can recognize when they make a mistake and correct it as soon as possible. As students of your own powerful model of feminist activism in the media, we demand that you admit your mistake and apologize.
This petition was launched by:
- Betsy Avila - Latinos for Bernie Sanders
- Moumita Ahmed - Millennials for Bernie Sanders
- Liz Aurora - Millennials for Bernie Sanders
- Portia A. Boulger - Women for Bernie
- Katherine Brezler - Teachers for Bernie
- Anoa Changa - African Americans for Bernie Sanders
- Pat Downs - Women for Bernie
- Bonnie Jin- Millennials for Bernie Sanders
- Deborah Sagner - People for Bernie
- Jenni Siri - Women for Bernie
- Winnie Wong - People for Bernie
- Mylinh Vo- Millennials for Bernie sanders
You can contact us at winnie@peopleforbernie.com.
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Gloria Steinem
[Your Name]
Your statement that young women are supporting Bernie Sanders because "the boys are with Bernie" represents one of the worst pronouncements on gender we have seen from a notable person in this election season. It's particularly significant because you are a feminist icon whose leadership continues to inspire, and because the statement was such a sweeping condemnation of young women.
One of the hallmarks of a leader is the ability to admit mistakes. We hope that you are the kind of leader who can recognize when they make a mistake and correct it as soon as possible.
As students of your own powerful model of feminist activism in the media, we demand that you admit your mistake and apologize.