Support a Fair and Open Process for Choosing the Next 175th District Democratic Nominee

Michael Boyle

Democratic machine politicians are rushing a vote on their anointed choice to replace outgoing Rep. Mike O'Brien in the 175th District, who unexpectedly resigned this week.

Sign this petition to tell them to slow down, and allow a fair, democratic, and open process for choosing the next Democratic nominee.

State Rep. Mike O'Brien unexpectedly withdrew from the ballot for the 175th District on Wednesday citing health reasons, and now a handful of machine ward leaders are rushing forward with an undemocratic process to anoint his chief of staff, Mary Isaacson, in the middle of the summer while no one is paying attention.  

Michael Boyle, the 5th Ward leader, immediately announced he would force a vote on Isaacson at the earliest possible opportunity, and convene the ward leaders overlapping the 175th District (in wards 2, 5, 18, 25, and 31) just five (5) days later, this coming Monday, July 23 at noon—about as soon as Party Rules allow. Boyle alone has the power to cancel the meeting on Monday. Read more about the situation here.

Both city and state Democratic Party rules say a new nominee must be chosen within 30 days—not 5—so there is no reason the vote needs to happen on Monday. There is plenty of time for an open nomination process and an open vote of the committee people in the 175th District, and still meet the state's August 13th deadline to place a candidate on the ballot.

Progressive reform-minded committee people in the 175th District have called on the five ward leaders to cancel Monday's meeting, and delay the vote in the interest of a fair and transparent process, party credibility, and the need to know where representatives stand on issues.

Sign and share this petition to support their demand for an open call for nominations, and vote of the elected committee people at a joint public meeting of the ward committees on either July 27, 2018 or July 30, 2018.

Then call 5th Ward leader Michael Boyle at (215) 735-1397 or email him at and demand that he delay the meeting until at least July 27th, and allow a fair, open, and democratic process.

Thanks for your support!

Petition by
Jon Geeting
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

To: Michael Boyle
From: [Your Name]

I am writing to respectfully demand that you delay the upcoming vote on Monday to replace State Representative Michael O’Brien on the ballot for the 175th District, in the interest of a fair and transparent process, party credibility, and the need for voters to learn more about where representatives stand on issues.

I am asking you to support an open call for nominations and a vote of the elected committee people at a joint public meeting of the ward committees no earlier than July 27th.