Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party. Ed Davey, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party.

The situation in Gaza is a humanitarian emergency, and we feel compelled to speak up with the utmost urgency. Together, we demand action from UK politicians to call for an immediate ceasefire.

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To: Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party. Ed Davey, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party.
From: [Your Name]

We are writing to you with the utmost urgency in light of the horrifying and worsening situation in Gaza and Israel. In November 2023 we first wrote to you, to urge that you step up efforts for an immediate ceasefire on humanitarian grounds. Since then, the circumstances have further deteriorated.

At least 1200 people were killed in Southern Israel on 7th October, and 253 people were taken hostage. According to the BBC, 134 Israeli hostages are still unaccounted for [1]

Almost 30,000 Palestinians are estimated to have been killed over the last four months, with almost 70,000 more injured. The New York Times have reported that over 12,000 of those killed have been children. [2]

Over recent days Israel has started to attack Rafah, which currently houses 1.5 million Palestinians. With a potential ground invasion incoming, there is a very real risk of the death toll rising to unimaginable levels in the near future.

As members and supporters of EveryDoctor, a non-profit organisation which campaigns for the NHS, its staff and patients, we have been horrified by the death toll of non-combatant civilians over recent months. In particular, the laws introduced by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 relating to the protection of medical workers, the sick and wounded, and civilians, have not been observed, resulting in catastrophic consequences.

In our view, the UK government and opposition leaders have not done enough to push for a ceasefire. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, the UK has the power on the international stage to demand peace. We therefore implore again, at this critical stage, that you take every measure possible to push for humanitarian aid, a sustainable and permanent ceasefire, and a diplomatic route towards peace.

Humanity and the law must prevail.
The EveryDoctor team and the undersigned.

[1] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68281213
[2] https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/10/world/middleeast/hind-rajab-gaza.html