We can win this war on trees
Carmelo Pesce, Mayor, and all councillors, Sutherland Shire Council;

…and you can help.
The presence of extensive vegetation and trees creates an urban bushland feel that is valued by the residents, and is an essential part of the character and lifestyle of the Shire.
But some of our Councillors are trying to pass a motion that will give open slather to tree removal across the Shire. They are saying that this is necessary because residents are unable to remove “dangerous” trees.
Sutherland Shire already has policies in place that allow the removal of any dead, dying and dangerous trees without the requirement of council permission (2015 DCP). State Government provision permit the removal of trees that could cause a fire risk in bushfire zones (RFS 10/50).
In addition, Councillor Ray Plibersek pointed out: “There are 31 species of trees that are currently exempt for protection under the currently Sutherland Shire development control plan… On average 7000 trees are being removed from the shire every year. In 2016, nine out of 10 trees applied for by removal application were granted approval.” (St George & Sutherland Shire Leader, 2.3.17)
But it seems that this is not enough for some. Now there is a move to allow unscrutinized tree removal across the Shire, with the resulting loss of trees for shade and beauty, destruction of bird and animal habitat, increased run off of top soil into our waterways.
Send a message to your councillors now, and tell them that you want them to uphold our DCP: "Ensure the retention and protection of trees and bushland vegetation that are important to the conservation of biodiversity in Sutherland Shire, and the maintenance of the scenic quality and treed character of Sutherland Shire."
For more information visit ssec.org.au
Carmelo Pesce, Mayor, and all councillors, Sutherland Shire Council;
[Your Name]
Existing council policies are more than enough to protect residents from dangerous trees. Indeed, the pressures of development are such that our precious tree cover is being reduced at an ever increasing rate.
We ask that councillors stand by our existing policies and protect the ambience of our Shire for future generations.