We demand 90 days notice of eviction

Davenport City Council

Davenport is in the midst of a housing crisis. Our city council is failing to address the needs of thousands of renters at risk of losing their homes. Read the text of the petition below.

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To: Davenport City Council
From: [Your Name]

Landlords are in the process of evicting hundreds of people from their homes in Davenport with only a few weeks’ notice. This puts a huge burden on working people to find a new apartment, come up with a security deposit and then move all their belongings. With the federal eviction moratorium expiring at the end of July, we will have a wave of evictions across the country. Area nonprofits are doing what they can to support the people being impacted right now. However, there is nothing preventing this situation from happening again in a month, or three months, or a year from now. We cannot let a situation like this happen to our residents again.

We the undersigned are demanding that the city of Davenport give all residents being evicted due to no fault of their own 90 days to find a new place to live. The landlord and city should be required to provide temporary livable housing for the 90 day duration.