We Demand Accountability & Stand with Black, POC & Disabled Trans Staff & Former Staff at Ingersoll Gender Center
Ingersoll Gender Center Board of Directors & Organizational Directors

Contact Current and Former Ingersoll Staff Collective Action - IngersollCollectiveAction@gmail.com
The non-profit industrial complex is a system that frequently siphons labor (both physical and emotional) talent, vision, and social capital from BIPOC folks and leaves them exploited & disillusioned from the stated mission and values of an organization.
Defined as : a system of relationships between government, the owning classes, foundations, and nonprofit social service and social justice organizations that results in the surveillance, control, derailment, and everyday management of political movements.” ; The non profit industrial complex often sees BIPOC folks as disposable, and replaceable. "As a byproduct, it provides comfortable salaries and prestige to many people who are not most directly affected by the problems that they’re trying to address."
Too often white led non profits become a revolving door of BIPOC folks who are forced to endure systemic abuse and mistreatment for the luxury of a paycheck and healthcare benefits.
We also see "diversity without inclusion" as Black folks are given leadership positions with little to no support, training, or equal decision making power and conditioned by reward and positive reinforcement by white leaders to protect the non profit institution with the power that they do possess. This often results in pitting Black and POC people against each other, so that white leaders can claim plausible deniability for any wrong doing by these leaders; despite being the indirect cause. This also creates infighting that is meant to destabilize and eliminate solidarity amongst Black and Brown workers.
This sign on letter is in support of, and solidarity with BIPOC, Disabled Trans and Gender Diverse Non Director Staff at Ingersoll Gender Center; for speaking out against a culture of anti-blackness, ableism, trans misogyny, pervasive paternalism, intimidation, as well as retaliation for exercising their rights to file formal complaints.
Thus far, EVERY SINGLE former staff member at Ingersoll Gender Center has written a statement attesting to the culture of inequity at Ingersoll, while those still employed are constantly working to dismantle this culture that leadership is actively working to maintain. The current staff at Ingersoll has attempted to solve this issue with demands, with calls for accountability, and threats to walk off the job. We've also tried to call in leadership as well as the board to have conversations that were either unfruitful or full of non answers and excuses. To be frank, we do not believe in throwing community away. Attempts have been made for restorative and generative justice and discussions, however no restorative justice process can take place with out an acknowledgement of harm. No change can take place without first acknowledging and understanding the change that needs to take place. We have been navigating this process for 2 years without movement. This is the last step in an attempt to create an environment that empowers BIPOC staff rather than traumatizes them before pushing them out.
We acknowledge that rather than address these issues head on Ingersoll leadership has sought to blame the victims of their mistreatment, as well as use manipulation tactics to reframe the narrative to portray themselves as victims of non-directorial black staff, and the POC and white staff that have stood with them in solidarity. And they have doubled down in doing so despite current and past staff bearing witness to mistreatment of Black and POC staff as well as those who stood by them.
This goes beyond harm. This is intentional, calculated abuse, and anti-blackness.
In order to protect and support the past, current, and future workers at Ingersoll Gender Center; the current and former staff at Ingersoll demand the following:
*Karter Booher immediately step down from their role as Executive Director. They have created and perpetuated an environment of pervasive anti Blackness, manipulation, lies, intimidation, ableism, co-opting and stealing the work of Black Trans Folks, retaliation, and abusive behavior.
*Jonathan Lee Williams immediately step down from their role as Program Director. He has contributed an environment of verbal abuse, ableism, yelling and violent communication, paternalism,& internalized anti Blackness against other Black staff.
*Louis Mitchell immediately step down from their role as Operations Director for complicity in the above dynamics acting to gaslight, disrupt, and invalidate the complaints and grievances of staff. For actively working to protect those abusing power and privilege to harm Black staff members and other staff members who spoke up and acted in solidarity with them. Additionally, for sexually harassing comments made about a Black trans woman staff member in the presence of 4 staff members. For perpetuating internalized anti Blackness against other Black staff
* We would like the Board of Ingersoll Gender Center to publicly acknowledge and apologize for the fact that they had knowledge of the ways in which staff was being treated, and failed to act for 6 months and counting, as well as failed to launch their own independent investigation into our claims.
*We also would like public acknowledgment from Board Chair and Co Chairs, that they had the power to utilize disciplinary action to stop these behaviors specifically from Ingersoll's Executive Director and they failed to do so, but also shared that they had no process for holding Ingersoll ED accountable for any harm caused.
** We demand that partner collectives, organizations, funders, and individuals refuse to work with, fund, or partner with Ingersoll Gender Center UNLESS and UNTIL they publicly acknowledge, address and apologize for the harm perpetrated against BIPOC Trans current & former staff as well as publicly & privately make a mends for the harm that they've caused.
*This looks like the resignations mentioned above, it looks like diversified Executive Leadership with ties to the community and a track record of community trust. (87% of Eds in non profits are white, 13% are POC, 6% are Black).
*We Demand out of house Human Resources (HR)
*We Demand review and editing of the employee handbook by an outside HR focused equity consultant, with input from staff & community.
*We demand outside investigators to be utilized anytime there is a complaint against any or all Directorial Leadership due to the relationship the Board has had with the Executive Director and lack of relationship staff has had with the Board. We do not have good faith that referring grievances against Directorial Leadership can be fair or equitable if the Board is investigating, due conflict of interest.
*We demand strong conflict of interest policies to be informed by staff and an outside consultant.
*We demand yearly racial justice training for staff and Board members and follow up, as well as quarterly temperature checks for staff to report any issues in the work place pertaining to inequity.
*We demand yearly disability justice training for staff and Board and follow up, as well as quarterly temperature checks for staff to report any issues in the work place pertaining to inequity.
*We demand that staff and community members become apart of a disciplinary committee along with an outside equity mediator to assess any and all disciplinary actions.
*We demand that staff complaints of abuses of hierarchical power directly relating to sexual harassment, verbal abuse, yelling and verbal intimidation, & retaliation, discrimination, be subject to immediate suspension of duties, forfeiture of work electronics, and ceased communication with staff, with pay until a full independent investigation can be pursued and completed with an equity consultant.
*We demand that 1 on 1 work related conversations between Manager,Directors, and staff be recorded & stored to Ingersoll owned devices, or witnessed by another staff member, should a staff member request it.
*We demand increased focus and construction of collective power, and decision making, and community input to prevent further abuses of power due to a top down hierarchy.
*We maintain that a mostly cis &/or white board is NEVER going to be able to properly protect trans BIPOC staff, address, acknowledge or act appropriately to present gaps in racial equity and the issues that arise as a result. We know that Ingersoll has a history of harm against the BIPOC trans community and continues to build upon that history with the current mishandling of the concerns and mistreatment of BIPOC trans staff and those who stand with them. We Demand that Ingersoll's Board more accurately reflects the trans experience and community.
* We demand a community interview process for the next Executive Director.
*We stand by ALL claims listed and strongly encourage an independent investigation into ALL claims made here and previously to the Board and Ingersoll Directors.
Far too often in the organizing community we talk about holding orgs and individuals who do harm accountable in theory; while we sit on our hands and fail to take action when those harms are being perpetrated on our comrades and community members right under our noses.
What seems to conflict our community even more is when those doing harm are also BIPOC folks. However we know that BIPOC folks can also perpetuate and participate in anti blackness, and other types of oppressive behaviors. We know that unless we belong to that community/culture that we are often ignorant to or unaware of inter community dynamics of oppression, specifically within Black communities. We also know that any attempts at restorative and transformative justice need active participants to move towards resolution that grows a community rather throws people away.
Now is the time for accomplices & BIPOC organizers and community members specifically to actualize our collective power to protect and stand in solidarity with our community and hold inequitable institutions and the individuals that run them accountable, for the ways that they perpetuate trauma, and abuse on BIPOC workers.
In the workplace "BIPOC folks continue to consistently report feeling undervalued, unsafe, and exhausted from navigating unwelcoming work environments." "BIPOC folks also experience more negative outcomes related to hiring, promotions, terminations, and performance evaluations than their white peers. Many remain silent about these experiences for fear of not being believed and losing employment."
"These experiences and outcomes are signs of an unhealthy work environment that devalues DEI, and we know that repeated exposure to an unhealthy workplace takes a physical and emotional toll on workers. It negatively impacts employees’ overall well-being—a problem often amplified by systemic disparities in access to health care.
Read More About How Non Profits Can Move Towards Equity Here
Ingersoll Gender Center employees have experienced, nightmares, increased anxiety and severe panic attacks, depression, ulcers, and nervous vomiting, loss of appetite, suicide ideation, eating disorders, problem drinking/alcoholism, insomnia, and withdrawal from friends and family as a result of the trauma and harm endured at Ingersoll Gender Center.
At the end of the day the treatment endured by Staff doesn't just affect trans folks on staff, it affects those in community to rely on Ingersoll's services to support them in leading lives that feel more secure and safe. When we cannot show up authentically due to the traumatic and toxic environment within the work place, we are also unable to be fully present with community members.
Many of the lapses in leadership and their lack of communication with community partners, community members, and staff have lead to: trans folks going without food, trans folks going without financial assistance, volunteers who run Ingersoll's support group going without access crucial reporting documents. Without guidance from leadership regarding how to navigate issues that have arisen as a result of the lack of communication and information hoarding of leadership; staff has become a buffer for the frustration of community members for things that are absolutely not their fault. Staff often asks for questions around clarity and direction and are met with hostility and defensiveness; or their questions are ping-ponged back and forth from director to director without any real answers.
When these questions are raised again in staff meetings, staff members who asked questions are often pulled aside for private conversation to be reprimanded for raising concerns in the presence of other staff as an intimidation tactic despite all other staff having the same questions or concerns. Leadership often seeks to silo and isolate staff concerns to one on one conversation to weaken the collective call for accountability, but also to ensure that there is no proof of what is said (despite staff having voiced discomfort with one on one conversations and asking permission to record them for their own safety and accountability. The request for recorded conversations or witnessed conversations are mostly denied). Often concerns communicated to Program Director and Operations Director in meetings are not communicated to the Executive Director. Staff are often asked to approach the Executive Director, by the Program Director or Operations Director with any questions or concerns only to be publicly or privately reprimanded for doing so, and the Program Director and Operations Director failing to acknowledge that they instructed staff to do so. But either way, staff members shouldn't be reprimanded publicly or privately for asking questions.
Due to pushing staff members through harmful behavior, whole programs have been shut down.
At the end of the day the work that staff at Ingersoll does is revolutionary, however the toxic leadership they are subject to directly contributes to decreased access to services for our community. We are trans people both BIPOC and not, who are choosing to share our truths and support our BIPOC current and former co-workers who have been punished for doing the same.
Solidarity, equity, respect, and safety are not JUST for the communities members that we serve it is also for our colleagues as well.
Sponsored by
Ingersoll Gender Center Board of Directors & Organizational Directors
Oliver Webb
In the almost 4 years that Ingersoll Gender Center has welcomed paid staff, it has seen the number of Black trans staff grow. Ingersoll Gender Center is a historically and presently white led trans organization with a history of anti-blackness and failing to effectively serve BIPOC trans communities via it's services and through it's decades-long support group; that has often exposed BIPOC trans individuals to racism and anti-blackness without immediate or productive repercussion or support for those whop have experienced radicalized harm. Despite this, Ingersoll leadership presented themselves and their opportunities for Black staff in a way that conveyed that it was looking to change it's reputation as an anti-black and generally unsafe for BIPIOC trans folks white trans org, and start centering, and valuing the experiences and work of trans folks existing at intersections beyond white & trans.
Ingersoll Gender Center's values were specifically updated to reflect these supposed new values :
Courageous authenticity and radical inclusivity:
We create spaces for folks to be their full authentic selves and practice self-love with fierce respect for themselves and their communities.
We pursue approaches that center mutual aid and self-determination within healthy communities free from violence and oppression of all forms.
Compassion and empathy:
We believe that practicing both are integral to building sustainable and supportive communities.
We actively work for collective liberation because we know that transgender and gender diverse people live in the intersections of identities and communities. We are not free until we are all free.
For many BIPOC staff, these were values that resonated with our need for a liberating, autonomous, non-traumatizing work experience in which we relied on each other collectively and the free flow of passion, vision, ideas, and teamwork to serve our community. These values reflected a workspace where we could be ourselves and not have to hide parts of ourselves daily. As BIPOC folks we knew that working here meant that we would not just get to support the trans community at large; but the communities from which we came( black trans folks, femmes/women, disabled, vets, immigrants, current or formerly homeless/housing insecure, undocumented, & sex workers) that aren't typically served or served well by white institutions.
We eventually found that we were often being asked to tokenize and exploit our own communities all while being tokenized ourselves. And that the values that drew us in were not ones that were in practice at Ingersoll Gender Center by those in Director Level Leadership position nor on the Board of Directors.
Since Ingersoll started hiring Black and POC staff has been subject to the following actions (this list is by no means exhaustive):
1.Being called "a nosey motherfucker" by our Program Director for asking valid work questions & a second staff member having to hear that language directed towards other Black staff in a check in conversation with the Program Director.
2. Several staff members complained about being yelled at by the male Program Director during weekly check-ins and impromptu check ins. The Program Director has utilized a dynamic of targeting and isolating staff as well as insisting on 1 on 1 conversations with staff only to yell and raise his voice at them. Over half of Trans/Gender Diverse folks have experienced some form of gender based violence (Gender-based violence (GBV) is an umbrella term for any harm that is perpetrated against a person’s will and that results from power inequalities based on gender roles.) The dynamic of gender based violence was perpetuated by this dynamic and deeply traumatized employees.
3. A Black disabled staff member having his contract not renewed due to work difficulties directly attributed to his autism. A manager shared their discomfort with this after they were pulled into the EDs office and told that the contract of this worker would not be renewed and stated "If we are canceling contracts because of disabilities, my fear is that I too will at some point be on the chopping block due to my own cognitive disabilities and that is scary." There was a failure on the part of the ED to make reasonable adjustments to the work duties of the worker, despite suggestions by this workers manager, the worker himself, as well as other managers to do so and support in doing so. When this staff member was asked why their contract wasn't renewed the Executive Director beat around the bush (when everyone in the office knew it was because this staff member was autistic and the ED felt he was unable to do the job as a result). This staff member was then asked to sit in on interviews for people who would then replace him.
4. Multiple Black staff enduring racialized characterizations (from Executive Director, Program Director and Operations Director) of being rude, difficult, "not a fan of authority" for asking clarifying work-related questions due to valid, stated and known cognitive disabilities or general lack of clarity. This disabled staff member was constantly having to remind Directors of their access needs, and consistently having those access needs ignored or unmet. This employee was distressed by the action of constantly having to defend their intent in "asking questions" despite the intent being known (ie. due to cognitive disability) this created anxiety because if the staff member asked questions their intent would be questioned, but if they did not and did not perform tasks efficiently they would be reprimanded and asked "Why didn't you ask for support" (This is a dynamic that creates a damned if you do/damned if you don't situation also known as a double bind; where no matter the response the employee in question is always wrong and is indirectly forced to overcompensate with subdued & passive behavior to be perceived as "non-threatening") Double binds are often utilized as a form of control without open coercion and when used in this context against black disabled people, it is anti-black and ableist.
5. Prior to formal employment by Ingersoll Gender Center & while consulting to help us navigate issues of leadership with the Executive Director. The Operations Director commented during a meeting with staff members about the body and clothing of a Black trans woman on staff. When a staff member commented about how inappropriate, uncomfortable, and transmisogynist the comments were he apologized profusely and stated that he was still learning. He then made similar comments regarding the clothing and body of the same Black Trans Woman without the presence of the only non-masculine staff member who commented on the inappropriateness of his comments.
6. Pay being delayed/withheld illegally, a few days after a staff member filed a formal complaint against their supervisor, the Program Director.
7. Community Engagement Manager expressed concerns about having to go to the office to create mailing labels in the midst of increased police presence on Capitol Hill during the pandemic. Their concerns centered around being a Black masc coded while being someone who is also medically high risk. They asked if they could print labels at their home and have food program materials delivered to their home for safety. Legitimate concerns about safety and wellbeing were brushed off as "feelings" and staff member was told that their "feelings about going into the office didn't matter and that the work just needed to get done and that we all needed to make adjustments and sacrifices due to Covid 19" Community Engagement Manager agreed that adjustments needed to be made, but that their concerns regarding their personal safety were not just insignificant feelings. They were real and valid fears about personal safety with the police and active lockdown/pandemic; they also stated that they could just as easily print labels at home and get the food program project completed safely rather than take an unnecessary risk in going to the office. As a result they were told by Program Director that they were refusing to do their job and that their concerns were not important enough to warrant not having to make the trip to the office, something that was later added to a retaliatory performance improvement plan.
8. A trans woman of color applied for the Program Director Position. However when she showed upon for her interview, the Executive Director and Operations Director refused to interview her for that position and instead interviewed her for one that she did not apply for, nor did she want. When asked by staff why this woman did not get the position it was mentioned that her previous relationship with the staff member she would be managing, was a conflict of interest. The current Program Director, was a former long time friend & former roommate of the same employee, the difference was the he was also a good friend of the Executive Director. The personal relationship between the current Program Director and the same employee ended due to conflict similar to the conflict that arose between them and other staff at Ingersoll. When a Manager approached the Executive Director with concerns about this dynamic after a tearful call from this employee about the ways they were being treated the response was "Our community is small, we are likely always going to work with someone we know" this was an odd response considering the ED also knew that this relationship had previously been adversarial and abusive to the employee being managed by the Program Director, as this was a topic of conversation/request for support in the office 1 year prior.
9. Staff has made 6 or more complaints regarding the behavior of Program Director, without ANY recourse or resolution.
10. Operations Director/ HR actively acted to discourage staff against further complaints against the Program Director. A staff member submitted a complaint and Operations Director refused to accept it as a formal complaint because the compliant "didn't follow procedure" despite this employee having already followed procedure by sharing these concerns with their supervisor first, and having them go unaddressed.
11. Program Director's refusal to answer questions (by restating the same vague or unclear instruction, by repeating that “xyz” task just needs to get done (without offering any guidance or support as to how to complete the task effectively. This has often led to building a false narrative (one accepted and repeated in meetings and conversations with Executive Director, Program Director & Operations Director) that staff (specifically BIPOC staff) is “pushing back” when questions are asked or , “refusing to do a task” Despite no refusal to do any task, just questions regarding how to complete the task.
12. A Black staff member was instructed to account for every single minute of their work days. It was explained that they now needed to share with the Program Director within a day or so, how long it took and would take to complete each task and project they had, from that moment till the end of the year. To be clear they were being asked to predetermine minutes it took to complete tasks for tasks that they were doing and anticipated doing; and that they would not be able to continue any projects. until this account was completed. When the staff member asked if other staff were having to engage in this task, the response was "that it didn’t matter and it just needed to get done." For the record no other staff members were instructed to do this, as this staff member asked them all. It was shared that this directive came from the Executive Director who knew from previous conversations around access needs, that part of this staff members disability made it difficult to accurately estimate time frames. It was in this conversation that the same staff member burst into tears when their disability was mocked by the Program Director. He then started to backtrack as this staff member was cried and said “Well, I’m late for another meeting but if you want to brainstorm ideas regarding this we can discuss it at our check-in (which was the next day). He then said I didn't mean it how you took it, I was thinking out loud which is something I need to do for MY disability. The staff member continued to cry was distressed about how he tried to excuse his behavior by using his own disability to dismiss and justify the fact that he yelled at and mocked their disability. This staff member was in such distress that they did not sleep, and messaged the Operations Director the next morning about writing a complaint. They ended up taking a mental health day that day.
13. Increased work scrutiny and micromanagement of Black staff, by Black directors, at the Direction of Executive Director.
14. Executive Director attempting to co opt the work of Black Trans staff member a day after they resigned. After the Executive Director reprimanded this staff member for talking to state legislators without permission, this staff member specifically had a conversation with ED regarding this project and shared with them that this was not an Ingersoll project but an Ingersoll supported one and that this staff member was asked to be apart of this project not as an employee of Ingersoll. It was also stated by the staff member that because this was not an Ingersoll project they absolutely didn't have to mention Ingersoll if the ED was uncomfortable with them doing so. a few weeks later staff member resigned and shared with a friend also working on the project that they were afraid of the ED co opting their work. 24 hours later their fear was confirmed when the ED called a member of the work group to share that they would be taking over the staff members work on the bill on Ingersoll's behalf and that they wanted to be added to core work group emails and text threads. The ED was confronted via slack regarding this matter and they expressed wanting to discuss this matter, as well as wanting to get back to the staff member with a good response. Only to follow up with a termination letter and immediate lock out of Ingersoll accounts.
15. ED often pushed and coerced BIPOC (specifically Black staff) to use social capital within the BIPOC community to get BIPOC folks to partake in projects. Staff shared that what was happening was tokenizing and uncomfortable. Black staff also shared that they needed to exist, be trusted, and find support within our own communities and that tokenizing would destroy trust Black staff had with their community. Executive Director often pouted and guilt tripped staff regarding fulfilling grants and needing to complete the work stated in these grants.
16. Often grants focused on BIPOC folks, survivors, and veterans were applied for without input from the employees who would have to then carry out projects tied to these grants. As such, employees were often tasked with carrying out projects without background information, or a heads up, trauma informed training, or support. Many times without a clear understanding of what was being asked of them. Often times it involved being forced to tokenize other BIPOC folks.
17. A birth centered BIPOC collective sought fiscal sponsorship. A condition given of this fiscal sponsorship by Ingersoll's Executive Director was that Ingersoll have claim to their work. This collective declined as they did not want their work co opted by Ingersoll Gender Center.
18. A Black Trans Femme community leader witnessed Executive Director ordering Black staff around flippantly like servants "Go get that for me, Go do that, etc" Staff member felt degraded, devalued, and humiliated. Black community member expressed compassion and anger with staff privately after this incident.
19. Executive Director often specifically tasked BIPOC staff with physically laborious work around the office.
20. A Black Trans staff member was kicked out of the coffee shop downstairs in the midst of a meeting they were having there. They were told it was because they didn't buy something. White staff routinely held meetings there without needing to purchase food or drink. This was conveyed to the ED, who shared that they would go have a conversation with the employees there. The ED did have a conversation with them. They just asked if they kicked this staff member out because of their skin (the shop of course denied it despite having never kicked anyone else out for not purchasing items). The Executive Director came back from speaking with the employees at this coffee shop with coffee in hand & continued to patron and hold meetings in this coffee shop rather than stand in solidarity with the staff member who was too afraid of escalation at this particular coffee shop to ever go back. When this was mentioned to the Executive Director the staff member was told in the presence of other staff that the coffee and pastries were too good to not go back.
21. We've shared concerns regarding lack of communication, unclear directions, and lack of preparation on the part of our current Program Director; we have seen these concerns minimized and go without acknowledgement in the form of tangible steps for correction.
22. We’ve witnessed retaliatory actions for elevating concerns or filing formal complaints, thereby creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation that deters other employees from coming forward.
23.Executive Director utilizes racial capitalism by enlisting Black trans men to act as a shields to keep from owning and having genuine dialogue with Black staff about accountability about their own participation in anti blackness. This dynamic pits Black staff against each other and escalates conflict amongst BIPOC staff.
24. Managers and Coordinators are consistently set up to fail due to information hoarding by Program Director, Executive Director and Operations Director. Staff is not given enough information to do their jobs, or just not responded by Program Director for weeks or months, and take the brunt of complaints from community members.
25. Staff shared community complaints regarding financial aid program with Program Director, and Operations Director, as complaints had gone unaddressed for a few weeks/to months due to staff not being permitted to respond. When the staff followed up on whether or not these complaint had been addressed with Operations Director, they were told that "Well maybe Ingersoll isn't for them" in reference to community members making valid complaints.
26. Ingersoll Leadership has rewarded staff who is complicit in their toxicity with promotions. The Executive Director has sought to intimidate other staff by discussing their consideration for a promotion however also telling them that they would need to separate themselves from Black current and former staff in particular speaking out against mistreatment, but also staff standing in solidarity with Black current and former staff.
27. Black staff have received the majority of terminations, write ups, and disciplinary action.
28. A Black staff member was written up for returning the belongings of another Black staff member who had just been terminated in public, in a cupcake shop, and stranded on Capitol Hill because their bus pass was also taken. This staff member was too afraid and humiliated to come back to the office to ask for their stuff from The Executive Director or their supervisor.
29. Black and White trans woman staff members often took longer breaks and lunches together, however the Black trans woman staff member was the only one written up and reprimanded for this behavior. The white trans woman staff member eventually quit in part due to this dynamic.
30. The clothing of a Black trans woman staff member was often subject of conversation and a source of contention in Manager meetings hosted by the Executive Director. Even though White trans woman on staff had the same fashion, her clothing was never mentioned or made to be a problem.
31. Managers and Coordinators are constantly trying to act as buffers to protect other staff members from being targeted.
32. BIPOC staff with social capital were often used as props in meetings with funders, while being told not to speak and to let Executive Director speak.
33. A trans woman of color has gone without pay since January 2021 for her job as lead support group facilitator.
34. Healthcare Access Manager (Black trans non binary) terminated before the end of their two weeks, directors did not acknowledge or offer explanation, opportunity for goodbye, or recourse for the incredible work and relationships they created and managed. They did not acknowledge the situation until staff brought it up in a staff meeting. They were also banned from the Healthcare Provider Listserv by the Executive Director, effectively shutting them out from supporting and providing resources to community and providers even if they aren't at Ingersoll Gender Center.
35. In various meetings, Healthcare Access Managers concerns were dismissed and/or explained away by time constraints or non-related stressors.
36. Economic Justice Coordinator (Black trans woman) resigned from Ingersoll Gender Center and directors offered no explanation, opportunity for goodbye, and recourse for the incredible work and relationships she created and managed.
37. Community Engagement Manager (Black trans non binary) resigned from Ingersoll Gender Center and directors offered no explanation, opportunity for goodbye, and recourse for the incredible work and relationships they created and managed.
38. Black staff are the only staff members for whom directors did not acknowledge or offer explanation regarding their absence, given opportunity for goodbyes, or recourse for the incredible work and relationships they created and managed.
39. Black autistic staff member constantly being asked to do menial tasks and would ask the Executive Director if they did a good job, and they would get flippant and passive aggressive answers like "Yeah, it's ok. You didn't need to do it right now the meeting is not for a few hours"
This is by no means an exhaustive list. It is a short list of the types of harms that were experienced by staff members. There are things not mentioned here due to fear of retaliation.