We Need A Raise!

PA State Legislature

Thousands of working people in Pennsylvania are in desperate need of a raise.

No family can make ends meet on our $7.25 an hour minimum wage. As costs for basic necessities keep going up, so many of us are still earning well below a living wage.

Pennsylvanians understand this. That’s why a June Franklin & Marshall poll and August PPP poll found 3 in 4 people in our state support raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.

We need leaders who understand this too. Sign our petition and tell your state legislator: we need a raise!

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To: PA State Legislature
From: [Your Name]

We need a raise! No family can make ends meet on our $7.25 an hour minimum wage. As costs for basic necessities keep going up, so many of us are still earning well below a living wage. Pennsylvanians understand this. That’s why a June Franklin & Marshall poll and August PPP poll found 3 in 4 people in our state support raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.