We need to put an end to gerrymandering in Florida

Florida State Legislature

Common Cause Florida and our partners fought tirelessly to pass a historic Fair Districts constitutional amendment before the last redistricting cycle -- but rather than drawing maps that lived up to the promise of these reforms in 2012, our lawmakers engaged in such extreme gerrymandering that the Florida Supreme Court had to take over.

And now, as we head into another redistricting cycle, we have every reason to suspect that legislative leaders are at it again -- plotting to enact unfair, inequitable maps that are rigged to favor incumbents and their party.

This is unacceptable: nobody should be able to manipulate district lines to keep themselves and their party in power. Add your name to demand that our legislators take action to keep our redistricting process fair and impartial.

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To: Florida State Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Here in Florida, our elections should represent the will of the people, not partisan interests. But our lawmakers have a history of manipulating our electoral maps to protect their own political power. State lawmakers must commit to counting everyone equally, playing by the rules, and having a transparent redistricting process next year -- so that our government is truly of, by, and for the people.