#NoDAPL: Tell the Trump Admin. & the Army to GTFO of Standing Rock!

Mr. Gib Owen, Water Resources Policy and Legislation, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, ​gib.a.owen.civ@mail.mil​​

the Trump Administration and the Army moved to approve the easement for Energy Transfer Partners to drill under Lake Oahe on the Missouri River and build the Dakota Access Pipeline through Native land at Standing Rock, despite threats to the environment and the likely contamination of drinking water for millions of people living along the Missouri River. They also suspended a 14-day waiting period which means that the drilling could already be starting..

Though the government has tried to suppress Indigenous Peoples and their supporters, initiating unwarranted violent force against nonviolent water and land protectors in a chilling reenactment of a deeply buried history, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe will not back down and will continue their struggle through action, petitioning, and through the courts. Please join this effort by making a public comment to the Army Corps. of Engineers.

Demand that they:
  • Respect and honor the human, legal, and treaty rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
  • Consider the true environmental impact and protect the drinking water of the 17 million people who rely on the Missouri River for their water
  • Resist the Trump Administration's corporate influence

To: Mr. Gib Owen, Water Resources Policy and Legislation, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, ​gib.a.owen.civ@mail.mil​​
From: Deborah Phelan

I support the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's fight to protect the Missouri River from illegal and unsafe pipeline construction in North Dakota.

Act now, to respect and honor the human, legal, and treaty rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Resist the Trump Administration's corporate influence and respect the true environmental impact of the Dakota Access Pipeline and stop its construction to protect the the 17 million people who rely on the Missouri River for their water.