We Support Affordable Homes EVERYWHERE in LA!

Mayor Bass & LA City Councilmembers

Instead of this...

Image of tent city and shopping carts overflowing with stuff

...we could have this.

For decades, homelessness in LA has been a very visible and complicated problem. Building housing that is affordable for very low-income households is one of the solutions to getting people off the streets.

In March, the City of LA's Department of Planning released a proposal that allows all of LA's single-family-only neighborhoods to continue to ban apartments and affordable homes.

Banning affordable housing in single-family-only neighborhoods is a big reason why LA is exclusive, segregated, and unaffordable. That’s why Mayor Bass needs to hear from YOU. Tell her that we want an LA that works for everyone. Not just for wealthy homeowners, who have been lobbying her non-stop.

Sign our petition to urge Mayor Bass to make it legal to build new affordable apartments in single-family only neighborhoods, and to make it easier to build these homes!

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To: Mayor Bass & LA City Councilmembers
From: [Your Name]

Los Angeles needs more affordable homes, but the current CHIP Ordinance isn’t enough. We want to make some key changes to ensure everyone can find a safe and affordable place to live, including in single-family neighborhoods.

Here’s what we’re asking for:

Include Single-Family Zones: Let’s make it possible to build new apartments in single-family neighborhoods. This will help increase affordable housing options across the city.

Keep Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Affordability Levels: We need to maintain current affordability standards so that new housing proposals are feasible.

Modify Parking Rules: Above-ground parking shouldn’t count against space limits for buildings. This change will allow us to build more homes, instead of building expensive underground parking spots.

Faster Approvals: Speed up the approval process to avoid delays and extra costs for new housing proposals.

Limit Appeals: Reduce the circumstances in which people can appeal proposals, to make sure new housing can move forward without unnecessary hold-ups.

Align with State Standards: Use state rules to prevent housing on hazardous materials sites, while keep opponents from blocking proposals.

Let’s work together to ensure everyone in LA has a safe and affordable home!