We Support The Housing Emergency Proclamation -- Mahalo Governor Green!

Governor Josh Green

WE SUPPORT THE EMERGENCY PROCLAMATION. Mahalo, Governor Green! Let's end the housing crisis. Sign the petition.
Office of the Governor / Hawaiʻi YIMBY

Sign the petition sending support and thanks to Governor Green for his focus and dedication to addressing Hawai'i's affordable housing crisis.

What's New: On July 17, 2023, Governor Green signed an Emergency Proclamation on Housing (EP). According to the Governor's office press release, the EP "directs all state agencies to prioritize housing reviews, plans, approvals, and permit processing. It also means additional state resources will be directed to address the affordable housing crisis."

What This Means: We can approve and quickly build critical housing supply. With a significant increase in housing supply, housing prices drop, becoming affordable for more people.

What We Say: "We support the housing emergency proclamation!"

YES-- to more housing

YES-- to right NOW!

YES-- to staying in an affordable Hawai'i

Dive Deeper:

  • Watch the news conference
  • Review the digital assets provided by the Governor's office (The housing emergency-by the numbers, Guidance for developers, FAQs, Projects in the pipeline, and Top 10 projects by county)
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Urban Honolulu, HI

To: Governor Josh Green
From: [Your Name]

Aloha Governor Green,

Mahalo for your focus and action on addressing the housing crisis in Hawaii.

I say "I support the housing emergency proclamation!"
YES-- to more housing
YES-- to right NOW!
YES-- to staying in an affordable Hawai'i

Quick, decisive action is necessary to solve this problem.

'A'ohe hana nui ke alu 'ia (No task is too big when done together by all.)