What happens when a million moms take action? An Open Letter to Congress.

United States Congress

When moms thrive, we all thrive.

When we thrive, our childcare is accessible for (a lot) less than the cost of college. When we thrive, we have enough time to care for ourselves and our families. When we thrive we don’t get fired from our jobs for getting pregnant.

Too many of us aren’t thriving.

This is a choice. A choice made by our elected leaders, including our Members of Congress.

Just last year they made the choice to end Federal support for childcare by $40 billion dollars. And they’ve never made paid time to care mandatory for employers.

Congress is opening up budget negotiations again and this time, we need our priorities, our Mom Priorities, reflected in how we choose to invest our money for the coming year.

So we’re letting our Members of Congress know that this time, they are going to hear from moms like us. Who knows what could happen if a million of us take action?

So they better listen. Before we start counting down.

Don’t let us get to 1.

Sign on to the Mothering Forward Open Letter to Congress. Because MFers get it done.

*This open letter is organized by Mothering Forward. At Mothering Forward we take action to create a world where motherhood is honored in our homes, communities, and society. By centering the leadership, skills, and talents of moms, we are building a community of maternal support that mobilizes to pass federal and local policies that support families and create economic security.

If you identify as a mother, mama, grandmother, aunt, caregiver, parent, mentor, or advocate for children, then add your voice with ours by signing this letter. We are inclusive and excited to build with anyone and all who see themselves as mothering in a new world. *

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To: United States Congress
From: [Your Name]

Dear Member of Congress,

When moms thrive, we all thrive. We have access to childcare for (a lot) less than the cost of college tuition. We have enough time to care for ourselves and our families. We don’t get fired from our jobs for getting pregnant.

Too many of us are not thriving.

This is a choice. A choice made by Members of Congress.

Just last year you made the choice to end Federal support for childcare by $40 billion dollars. And you’ve never made paid time to care mandatory for employers.

With the next round of budget negotiations, you have the chance to create a budget that reflects the priorities of moms across the country. A budget that enables us to thrive.

We’re going to make sure you hear from us about that. There are millions of us in the same situation and Mothering Forward is dedicated to bringing us all together so you can hear us.

You should listen. We’ve lost patience. We’re on the verge of counting down. Don’t let us get to 1.

Very best regards,