WI Need Better Bills
Gov. Tony Evers and the Wisconsin Legislature
For too long the Black community has lived in an oppressive system of state sanctioned violence that has never ended, only changed forms. There is empirical evidence that illustrates the fact that Black Americans are over policed, charged with crimes at a higher rate, and subsequently receive disproportionate sentences in the penal system. There are methods our elected officials can enact to change this system.
“We have not come this far to only come this far” were the words spoken by Executive Director Angela Lang at a press conference about this bill package the last week of May. That quote shows the need to continue to fight for equity and justice for Black and Brown communities.
One of the main roles of government is to keep its citizens safe, these bills do not drive this pursuit forward. We all deserve thriving communities and we need those in the legislature to do their job and adequately address the murder of Black Americans. “No government service should oppress or murder its constituents and we must intervene when it does”. State Representative David Bowen
Gov. Tony Evers and the Wisconsin Legislature
[Your Name]
We call on those in the Assembly and Senate to re-examine their stance in favor of these bills. We also call on Gov. Evers to veto these bills if they are passed by the legislature. These bills are inadequate in addressing the needs of the communities that they are focused on helping, a solution that will not truly correct the problem. We need better bills, better laws, and a better justice system, one that works for all of us and leads us to thrive. We will not accept half measures and we demand substantive solutions.
I as a signee of this petition want to affirm my desire to see:
-Assembly bills 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, and 335 not be passed in the Assembly.
-Senate bills 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123,124, and 125 not be passed in the Senate.
-Governor Evers to veto the aforementioned bills if they do pass.