Wisconsin Deserves a Better Foxconn Deal!

Scott Walker

Scott Walker just doesn’t get it.

After 8 years of failing to produce more jobs and increase wages, Walker is now so desperate to look like a job creator that he's betting $3 billion in taxpayer money on a risky bet.

Even if (and it’s a BIG “IF”) Foxconn lives up to every promise it’s made...it will take a MINIMUM of 25 years for Wisconsinites to break even on this  gamble. Walker’s pay first, ask questions later strategy will leave us paying a massive amount even if Foxconn doesn’t live up to its promises. It’s a lose-lose for taxpayers.

Walker was so desperate to get this risky deal he even agreed to throw out key environmental protections, which puts our natural resources and the environment at risk.

But wait, it gets worse! The vast majority of Wisconsinites who live hundreds and hundreds of miles outside of the Southeast corner of the state will be forced to pay for this massive corporate handout without ever seeing a single job created in their communities.

Walker must be held accountable for gambling with our tax dollars.

Add your name now to call out Scott Walker for the disastrous Foxconn deal that he negotiated!

To: Scott Walker
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, reject the Foxconn deal in its present form. Wisconsin needs to seek out innovative ways to attract businesses and spur economic growth; the Foxconn deal, however, will harm taxpayers and our state in the long run. Your inability to successfully negotiate a deal that benefits all Wisconsinites has not gone unnoticed. We will continue voicing our discontent until you propose solutions that will bring prosperity to our state.