Write a Letter to Your Congressperson

New Jersey Congressional Delegation

Last week, members of Congress tried to destroy the Affordable Care Act with the disastrous Graham-Cassidy bill.

This week, they have introduced a budget that would go far beyond dismantling the ACA and cutting Medicaid. It would restructure Medicare and force people to wait an extra two years, until the age of 67, to become eligible for Medicare coverage.

This budget also cuts education, transportation, and other important public services that we all count on.

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To: New Jersey Congressional Delegation
From: [Your Name]

The budget is designed to benefit giant corporations and the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. It showers tax cuts on those who need them the least, while taking health care away from seniors, children, and people with disabilities, and by shortchanging the education of our kids.

This is a shameful and heartless budget, and I am calling on you to do the right thing and oppose this budget.