Youngstown Mayor Brown, Support Guaranteed Income

Youngstown Mayor Brown

As residents of Youngstown, we know that a guaranteed income is the key to a more equitable, sustainable future. We need leaders that understand the urgency of guaranteed income in this critical moment — not only as a means to fight against growing economic inequality, but also as a tool to alleviate intergenerational poverty and further racial justice. With COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on Black and Brown people, this is more than a question of fairness: for many, it is a matter of survival.

A guaranteed income is a monthly, cash payment given directly to individuals. It is unconditional, with no strings attached and no work requirements. A guaranteed income is meant to supplement, rather than replace, the existing social safety net and can be a tool for racial and gender equity.

In Youngstown, a guaranteed income of $1000 per month for every adult would be $46.3 million inserted into our economy. Every single month.

COVID has brought into sharp relief the need for a federal guaranteed income in the United States. Our economy is fragile. Its health hinges upon the people having a regular source of income to inject into the market. It is increasingly clear that the health of our people and our communities also hinges on regular income.

Mayor Brown, we urge you to take a public stance in support of Guaranteed Income, and that you advocate for it within our local community as well as with state and national leadership. You must represent your constituents in this critical moment. You must fight for economic justice. You must support a Guaranteed Income.

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To: Youngstown Mayor Brown
From: [Your Name]

As residents of Youngstown, we know that a guaranteed income is the key to a more equitable, sustainable future. We need leaders that understand the urgency of guaranteed income in this critical moment — not only as a means to fight against growing economic inequality, but also as a tool to alleviate intergenerational poverty and further racial justice. With COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on Black and Brown people, this is more than a question of fairness: for many, it is a matter of survival.

A guaranteed income is a monthly, cash payment given directly to individuals. It is unconditional, with no strings attached and no work requirements. A guaranteed income is meant to supplement, rather than replace, the existing social safety net and can be a tool for racial and gender equity.

In Youngstown, a guaranteed income of $1000 per month for every adult would be $46.3 million inserted into our economy. Every single month.

COVID has brought into sharp relief the need for a federal guaranteed income in the United States. Our economy is fragile. Its health hinges upon the people having a regular source of income to inject into the market. It is increasingly clear that the health of our people and our communities also hinges on regular income.

Mayor Brown, we urge you to take a public stance in support of Guaranteed Income, and that you advocate for it within our local community as well as with state and national leadership. You must represent your constituents in this critical moment. You must fight for economic justice. You must support a Guaranteed Income.