Zero Carbon Homes for Oxfordshire

Oxford City, Oxfordshire County and all Oxfordshire District Councils

Target: Oxford City, Oxfordshire County and all Oxfordshire District Councils

We are facing a climate emergency. The UK is committed to ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by 2050. Around 25% of our carbon emissions come from housing. To reduce this we need to

·         dramatically improve the energy efficiency of our homes

·         ensure that all new houses are built to ‘net zero carbon’ standards.

We know this is feasible; what we need is the political will to make it happen. Every new-build home that wastes energy is adding to the problem.

In January 2021 the UK Government confirmed that local councils may set higher standards for new homes than the current national figures.

The Oxfordshire Zero Carbon Homes Initiative (OZCHI) is a partnership of five organisations working to see that that all new homes built in Oxfordshire are designed and built to zero carbon standards.  For more information see our web page

OZCHI is calling on all the councils in Oxfordshire, and the Oxfordshire Growth Board and the Local Enterprise Partnership to cooperate to develop, set and implement a common standard that will deliver net zero carbon new homes. Please support this by signing our petition.

To: Oxford City, Oxfordshire County and all Oxfordshire District Councils
From: [Your Name]

We call on all Oxfordshire councils to cooperate to agree, set and implement a new common county-wide standard to ensure that all new homes are ‘zero carbon’ in construction and operation.