Zoos Victoria: Cut Ties To Australia's Biggest Polluter

Jenny Gray, CEO of Zoos Victoria

We love the Melbourne Zoo. From their impressive conservation work, to their wonderful calendar of family events, the Zoo holds a special place in Melbourne’s heart.

But the Zoo is putting its good work in jeopardy by accepting sponsorship from AGL.

AGL is Australia’s single largest polluter and its carbon emissions are continuing to increase with new investments in coal and gas projects, which will contribute even more to the devastating impacts of climate change. Climate change will not only put humanity at risk, it is accelerating species extinction all over the world, with Australia predicted to be one of the most heavily impacted.

Zoos Victoria can’t partner with AGL and genuinely hope to “fight extinction”.

AGL is using Zoos Victoria to scrub clean its public image. By allowing AGL to advertise at their events, on their website and in the exhibits, the Melbourne Zoo not only damages its own reputation, but it helps foster the idea that we can continue to use fossil fuels without harm.

For an organisation that prides itself on fighting extinction, Zoos Victoria’s partnership with AGL creates the false impression that it is possible to fight extinction while supporting fossil fuels: Zoos Victoria must pick a side.

Sign the petition asking Zoos Victoria to take a stand by cutting their sponsorship ties to AGL and to stand on the right side of history.

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To: Jenny Gray, CEO of Zoos Victoria
From: [Your Name]

Please end the sponsorship arrangement with AGL, that allows them to use the good name of the Zoo to scrub clean their image.

Fossil fuel companies like AGL have almost 7 times more fossil fuels on their books than is ever safe to burn. Their business model is incompatible with the physical limits of our planet.

By accepting partnerships from companies like AGL, Zoos Victoria are legitimising these companies activities; making it easier for them to block climate action and making it harder for the community that’s fighting for the renewable energy transformation we need.

Please stand with the people against the fossil fuel industry and distance yourself from the companies who are doing the most to contribute to climate destruction.