2023 LWVPA Biennial Convention
Start: Friday, June 16, 2023• 2:00 PM
End: Sunday, June 18, 2023• 1:00 PM
This event is accessible
Host Contact Info: samantha.anthony@palwv.org

Every two years, League members come together to collaborate, debate, and decide League policies and programs for the next two years. We hope you’ll join us for this exciting event! Please click here for more information on the agenda, lodging, and Convention business. Early bird pricing ends Monday, April 17th.
If you are interested in or planning to attend as a delegate, please contact your local League President to confirm your attendance. If you’re a member-at-large and are interested in acting as a delegate, please contact samantha.anthony@palwv.org. Delegates must be confirmed by local League Presidents to LWVPA staff by May 1st. All attendees who do not attend as delegates will be confirmed as Convention observers.
Convention Schedule
Friday, June 16
Optional tour of PA Capitol Building
Caucuses/discussion groups
Welcome reception
Saturday, June 17
Caucuses/discussion groups
Convention business: Bylaws, Board of Directors Elections, Budget, Program Adoption
Keynote speaker
League in Celebration: Saturday Evening Awards Dinner
Caucuses/discussion groups
Convention business: Bylaws, Board of Directors Elections, Budget, Program Adoption
Lodging for the Convention is a separate cost and is NOT included in this registration. Click here to book a hotel room. Please also see our website for more information on lodging. For more information on accessibility at the Crowne Plaza, click here.
Please note that all Friday events are optional. Convention business will take place on Saturday and Sunday morning.
Financial hardship scholarships are available. Please contact your League President for more information.