2023 NH Peace Action Annual Meeting
Start: Sunday, June 11, 2023•10:00 AM
End: Sunday, June 11, 2023• 2:00 PM
This event is accessible
SAVE THE DATE: Please join us for the 2023 Annual Meeting and Celebration of Will!
This year's event will again be held at the Bathhouse Pavilion at Bear Brook State Park. (Note, you do not have to pay park entrance fee).
This will be Will Hopkins last Annual Meeting as Executive Director. We plan to have plenty of space for reflection and stories with Will following the short Business Meeting, elections and lunch. We will also be doing a Gratitude Board (or box). If you can't make it, please email your story/thanks/gratitude for Will to Doreen for printing. We'll assemble them into a scrapbook later.
Will is planning on cooking ribs and stuffed mushrooms. This will be the last time you can enjoy Will's BBQ as Executive Director! The remainder of the lunch will be potluck. If you would like to bring a dish to share, please email Doreen to let her know what you will be bringing (salad, dessert, or finger food).
Tickets are just $20 to help cover the cost of park rental and beverages. There is an option for Students/Fixed income as well. If cost is a barrier to attending, please email Doreen or Will for a donated ticket.
This Annual Meeting is required by law to make any changes to the bylaws, elect the Board of Directors for the coming year and conduct any other business as needed. Come and meet the Board!
We will make every effort to gather safely. If you are uncomfortable with sharing group food and would like to bring your own lunch, you are welcome to do so.
Bear Brook State Park is located at 157 Deerfield Rd, Allenstown, NH 03275
Remember, you don't need to pay park entrance fee.