Florida NOW 2022 State Conference
Start: Friday, October 28, 2022• 5:00 PM
Host Contact Info: Florida NOW secretary@flnow.org

We enthusiastically invite you to register for the FL NOW Annual State Conference, rescheduled for October 28-October 30. We will be at The Florida Hotel which many of you know. It is lovely.
Here’s What We Have So Far
· Friday, Oct 28: Candidate Reception starting at 5:00pm.
· Saturday, Oct 29: Plenary and Workshops (see program that will be very much the same)
- Link to program
· Sunday, October 30: FL NOW Business, Bylaw Change Review and Approval and Resolution Review and Approval.
· At the end of the FL NOW meeting, we will convene a quick Council Meeting and then a PAC review meeting.
· Vendor tables all day Saturday.
· Dance party Saturday after dinner with a cash bar. Let’s Boogie in costume.
· We will have a raffle for a handmade Florida NOW Quilt and large Knitted Pride Blanket. The quilt is approximately 76" by 96" made with NOW shirts in the color of purple, gold, and white - the same colors as American suffragists! You can purchase raffle tickets below alongside your conference ticket.
Our keynote speakers and workshops will be announced as we reconfirm calendars.
The theme Florida Feminism Now is about building on our strengths, promoting feminism as a positive force for women and the actions we can and will take.
It is good to physically meet after over 2 years of separation; a delicious opportunity to educate and plan for action, but also to see old friends and make new ones.
NOTE: If you registered for the initial dates of the conference, we have moved your registrations to the new dates. If you have a conflict and can’t make it just email our Treasurer flnowtreasurer@gmail.com to request a refund. Be sure to state ‘unable to make new dates’ and include your address so we can mail you a check. Of course, if you would like to make it a contribution to help cover the cost of the conference send to same email ‘make a contribution with my registration fee’. YOU DO HAVE TO RESERVE YOUR ROOM AGAIN.
The room rate is still low at $119 as long as the blocked rooms last. Reserve your room ASAP below.
The registration fee for the Conference, including lunch and the Candidate Reception, is $125.
But, if you pay online, please add $5.00 for electronic payment fees. And, if you want salmon for lunch, please add $5.00. The link to register is at flnow.org.
I hope all of you will consider a donation to the Conference to offset costs.
This conference is so important because it is immediately before mid-terms. I hope every chapter has done a lot of endorsements of candidates, especially women that support our issues.
This is a very hard time for all of us with the disastrous decisions that the Supreme Court made, particularly Overturning Roe v Wade not to mention hurricane Ian. The solidarity we get at the Conference will be uplifting because we never give up, we never go silent, and we always have hope for the future. This fight will be a long one that we’ll fight until abortion is legal again.
We are looking forward to seeing and/or meeting you in-person on Oct 28!
RESERVE YOUR ROOM: Reservations phone number: 800-588-4656
To register for the Conference—flnow.org
The registration charge for the conference is $125 which includes the Friday evening candidate reception and the lunch on Saturday. Use this link to register. To register online, please add $5.00 to cover the electronic payment fees. Plain or chicken lunch is part of the registration cost. However, if you would like to have salmon with your Caesar salad, please add $5.00. Please indicate which lunch you would like so we can inform the hotel.
If you plan to only attend Saturday, please register below or send a check and email your lunch order to Suzanne at flnowtreasurer@gmail.com.
If you prefer to pay by check, please email your registration info to Suzanne at flnowtreasurer@gmail.com and send your check to:
Florida NOW
Florida NOW c/o West Volusia NOW
PO BOX 1133, Deland, FL 32721
If you send a check, you will be immediately registered upon receipt.
To register with a sliding scale please email flnowtreasurer@gmail.com.