How to Be a Better Ally: The Ally Conversation Toolkit - Ft. Myers

Start: Friday, August 3, 2018 6:00 PM

End: Friday, August 3, 2018 9:30 PM

Host Contact Info: Showing Up for Racial Justice

Why Racism Skeptics Should Be Empathetically Listened to,
and This Should Be the Work of White Allies

There is increasing scientific evidence that shows that empathy-based dialogues are the way to go if you want to have a chance to change adults’ minds. According to this research, the best way to foster “debiasing” is to first listen empathetically to skeptics so they feel heard, and after that, raise experiences and facts that invite them to a broader and more nuanced perspective. As one journalist titled his review of this research: “Research says there are ways to reduce racial bias. Calling people racist is not one of them.”

Engaging white folks who are skeptical of racism so they can examine and potentially revisit their views should be the a primary task of white allies and not a key task for people of color. But the allies must be smart about how to do this.  

Join us at 6 PM for this event hosted by SURJ SWFL and All Faiths. Please contact us with accessibility requests.

Saturday August 4th BONUS SESSION FROM 2-4PM at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greater Naples. Available for bundled price of $65. Great for those who want to hone their skills even further - especially those in leadership roles.

EXPERT. AUTHOR. SPEAKER. FACILITATOR. Dr. David Campt is a nationally renowned in the areas of civic engagement, dialogue and deliberation, and collaborative decision making. He teaches strategies for changing attitudes, behavior, and group culture around dialogue. David’s innovative ideas and engaging personality cause groups to better address the challenges that confront them. His clients make new choices so that more people’s insights are honored, relationships are improved, and collective goals are more effectively pursued. He is a dynamic and engaging speaker, facilitator, trainer, and strategist who helps ensure meetings and conferences meet objectives by enhancing conversation.