October 15th fast for peace

Start: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 9:00 PM GMT

End: Friday, October 16, 2020 at 1:00 PM GMT

This is a virtual event

Host Contact Info: PhoenixCongress2020@gmail.com

Are you an American who doesn't feel represented by the Republican or Democratic parties? Join the American Union of voters for $5 and pledge your vote to the American Union slate of candidates; we demand change before the 2020 election and will elect and reelect Democrats and Republicans who meet our terms, including Donald Trump if he enacts our legislation by October 30, 2020.

Our crowd-sourced legislation, the Blueprint for a Better America, aims to reshape America’s social contract in a way which addresses Martin Luther King, Jr.'s triple evils: poverty, racism, and militarism. We can work across party lines to do this by reminding Americans of our Constitutional duties to each other.

The legislative package includes universal basic income of $1300/month for adults, and $433 for children. It reforms prisons and policing while reducing the size of the US military. These are shovel-ready solutions that Americans can rally around. Read more on our website.

We need your help to bring a peaceful and progressive resolution to 2020; it will take a sacrifice from each and every one of us.

On October 15th, 2020, we will stand together (metaphorically speaking) as an American Union and, in the Gandhian tradition, observe a 24-hour #fastforpeace, consuming only water. (Gandhi recommended a dinner-to-dinner fast.) Days of fasting have roots in American history, going back to the Boston Tea Party. Candidates who join our fast as their pledge to meet our terms can earn our endorsement and votes. Together, we will deliver real change in 2020.

We can end poverty, end mass incarceration, and end the endless wars. If you want to stand on the right side of history, this is the year to build a better America; add your pledge today for the fast for peace on October 15 and join the American Union of voters. #VoteAU