Pathways to Peace: Learning from Palestinians, Israelis and Each Other

Start: Sunday, October 13, 202411:30 AM

Location: Derryfield Restaurant625 Mammoth Rd, Manchester, NH 03104 US

This event is accessible

Host Contact Info: 603-228-0559

NH Peace Action is excited to welcome special guest speakers joining us from Palestine and Israel via Zoom for our Annual Event, members of Combatants for Peace, a group of ex-combatant Israelis and Palestinians, men and women, who have laid down their weapons and rejected all means of violence. We'll also have lunch, networking, an Activist Awards celebration and more.

This year has seen both unprecedented violence and activism around Israel & Palestine. This year's Annual Event brings us voices of people "on the ground" who remain committed to a nonviolent struggle for justice and an end to Israel's occupation as the way to achieve human rights and security. Much of NHPA's work this year has focused on this issue, so we are glad to offer this opportunity to connect with those most directly affected for further understanding and inspiration.

Combatants for Peace (CfP) is a grassroots movement of Palestinians and Israelis, working together to end the occupation and bring sustainable peace, equality, and freedom. Launched in 2005, they are the only movement worldwide founded by former fighters on both sides of an active conflict. CfP envisions a just future where the inherent equality and dignity of all are fully realized. Committed to joint nonviolence since our inception, we use civil resistance, education, human rights campaigns, and other creative means of activism to transform systems of oppression and build a democratic and equitable society.

Avner Wishnitzer, co-founder of Combatants for Peace shared that: "we refuse to give in before leaders who thrive on death and destruction. We stand for life. Many have lost hope, but we know that hope is not something to be found anyway. It is not simply out there. Hope is to be created through joint action."

Join us to hear more.

Ahmed Helou was born in Jericho and at age 15 joined the local Hamas movement, throwing stones and eventually he went to prison. He then volunteered with the Palestinian Red Crescent and was shot on duty in 1996. He finished his studies in business management and social science working as a parliamentary assistant with Dr. Saeb Erigat for about 20 years. Ahmed met civilian Israeli’s during the second intifada for the first time through various dialogue groups and has been a member in CfP since 2012. He has lost over 60 family members in Gaza since October 7th and is committed to a peaceful outcome for the land and all its people.

Elie Avidor is an Israeli engineer and former combatant, who grew up in Haifa. He fought and was wounded during the Yom Kippur war at Mt. Hermon. Elie is a member of CfP’s bi-national activists leadership team, and now focuses on helping Palestinian shepherd communities resist Israeli ethnic cleansing and settler violence in the Jordan Valley

There will be ample opportunity for discussion and Q&A via Zoom for both in-person attendees and Zoom attendees.

Tickets are $50 each for in-person, $25 each to attend the program via Zoom. As always, there is a student/fixed income option. (Please consider donating a ticket for someone who needs it)

Want to be a sponsor of this event? See below for Event Host sponsorship options. Note: the prices for Event Host levels include the whole package even though ActionNetwork lists these as "per ticket".

Did you know one of our activists that passed away this year? Would you like to honor that person with an ad in our Annual Event Program book?   Email Doreen for details.

If cost is a barrier to attending, please email Doreen for one of our donated or limited income tickets.

The Derryfield is fully accessible.