Sydney: Non-Violent Direct Action Training

Start: Saturday, October 3, 202010:00 AM

End: Saturday, October 3, 2020 3:00 PM

Host Contact Info:

NB: This training has been designed being COVID aware and taking seriously the importance of physical distancing.  Changes to the training activities and dates may occur in line with COVID-19 precautions.  Please bring a mask, and in the event of any cold/flu symptoms do not attend - your fee can be refunded or used for a future training session.

Please also note that this training is outside and therefore weather dependent and with limited numbers to ensure we follow all health guidelines. We will follow every length to ensure this goes ahead, however in the event of wet weather may be postponed.  

The Australian government is worsening the climate emergency, which means it's up to Extinction Rebellion to take peaceful, direct action to get them to act now!

Non-violent direct action or peaceful civil disobedience has a long history of success in achieving large change, from the Indian Independence Movement to the Civil Rights Movement.

At this half-day workshop, you'll become empowered with these skills, so you can join Extinction Rebellion in taking climate action now.

If you stick around after the workshop, we have a fun mini-action for anyone that wants to try on their brand new skills.

The training covers the principles of non-violent direct action, why it works, the definition of non-violence, a legal rights briefing, and role-plays to get you ready for common peaceful civil disobedience scenarios.

Please do not attend without registering as we may not be able to accommodate you in accordance with health & safety guidelines limiting the number of attendees.