Exeter Greens - August news update


Special meeting for members - online

Tuesday Sept 6th 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Members will be voting for a new Executive Committee - the three elected officers responsible for ensuring good management of Exeter Green Party. The deadline for applying for one of the posts is August 22nd - it could be you!

Our target wards and candidates - so far

Following recommendations made to members, voting has confirmed our target candidates for May 2023. If more members step up to help, we could potentially take on another target or development ward - how much we get done is a direct function of how many people are willing to help. Find out more about how you could be a key part of a greener, fairer Exeter.

Wanted - organisers, admin-lovers, graphics and comms volunteers

If you are excited by having 5 Green Councillors, want to support them and ensure that we win more Green Councillors, then you can make it happen! Green success in the city literally depends on how many people join our growing and friendly band of volunteers. We have jobs for everyone, all designed to be doable by busy people. Take 2 minutes to find out more

Interested? Email volunteers@exeter.greenparty.org.uk

Welcome to our new members

Welcome Penny, Dave, Nikki, Stuart, Carol, Jonathan, Victoria, Richard, Christopher, Chloe, Tom, Ricardo, Patrick, Thomas, Ella, Helen and more. If you have any questions about Exeter Green Party, don't hesitate to get in touch at hello@exeter.greenparty.org.uk

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