Could you be part of securing Exeter Green Party's future?

Exeter Green Party's future lies in your hands!

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 31st July, Exeter Green Party (EGP) members will vote in a new Executive Committee. Exeter Green Party can't function without an Executive.

We need members to put themselves forward for the Executive roles.  See below for a description of what each role covers. Role-shares are actively encouraged and we can help match you up with another interested member for any particular role.
  • If you would like to talk to someone to find out more about any of these roles, email coordinator@exeter.
  • Join an informal meet up with the current Executive Committee to find out more about the roles- no pressure, just a chance to ask questions. Meet July 9th, 6.30- 8.00pm, Palace Gate Centre, Palace Gate Exeter
  • If you want to put yourself forward for election, (alone or in a role share) please submit a statement setting out why you want to take the role including any relevant experience, maximum 150 words. This must be submitted to by July 17th

Executive roles

These roles together comprise the Executive. People are voted in by members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which is July 31st 2024.  Scroll down for details of what each role covers.

  • Chair

  • Elections Coordinator

  • Volunteer Coordinator

  • Young Greens Officer

  • Governance and Disputes Officer

Non-executive, compulsory roles

Voted in by Members at AGM but do not have voting rights on Executive decisions and are not part of the Executive.

  • Treasurer

  • Election Agent


Responsible for the smooth running of the party, including the Executive itself. They shall be the first point of contact for both GPEW and for members (where no other relevant officer exists) and shall be responsible for providing an account of the party’s activities to both.

The Chair will:

  • Lead and build the strategic direction of EGP

  • Have oversight of all local party activities and roles, ensuring that the internal work of the party progresses throughout the year.

  • Support and encourage an effective officer team.

  • Ensure a warm welcome is provided for all members and volunteers and that they have a stake in the direction of the Party.

  • Consulting key stakeholders such as members, candidates and councillors on key operational decisions

  • Maintain a register of key operational decisions which will be made available to members upon request.

  • Ensure all party and Executive meetings are chaired in a fair and open way in accordance with the Green Party rules.

  • Work with other officers – to put together a 12 month development plan for EGP

Elections Coordinator

  • Provide strategic input and oversight of all electoral issues, including producing a timetabled election plan, developed in collaboration with the Executive, Treasurer and Election Agent

  • Working with other officers, be lead for seeking and supporting members to become candidates

  • To ensure that EGP is delivering its agreed election strategy

  • Supports the Election Agent and Data Officer to deliver on tasks associated with their roles.

  • Liaises with the Volunteer Coordinator to ensure election (ward/division) teams are created and supported.

Volunteers Coordinator

  • With the Executive, maintain a strategic oversight of EGP’s volunteer resources, how they can best be used

  • Look for new ways of engaging and supporting volunteers and members.

  • Ensure that the party is recruiting and mobilising volunteers for election work and roles that support Exeter Green Party’s collective work and the work of Green Councillors.

  • Ensure that there is provision of training and development to volunteers, supporting them to deliver on their various different roles and tasks.

  • Support election leads (ward/division etc) to deliver on tasks associated with their roles

  • Ensure that EGP’s digital systems logging volunteers and members are kept regularly updated

Young Greens Officer

To be held by a member defined as a Young Green by the Green Party - 30 years old and younger and/or full or part-time student.

With the chair and volunteers coordinator, to work on a strategy to recruit, retain and encourage participation of young members and volunteers

To help young Party members play a full and active role within EGP

To organise meetings and social activities for young Party members and volunteers

To consider electoral issues relating to young people in the city, including increasing political engagement, feeding this into EGP’s other strategies

Governance and Disputes Officer

  • Ensuring the Executive and key stakeholders in EGP are aware of any code of conduct or constitution requirements so they are aware of their responsibilities.

  • To keep the local constitution up to date, liaising with key stakeholders (receiving suggestions) and proposing improvements as necessary.

  • Being the first port of call for disputes within EGP for members/volunteers to raise concerns or complaints in line with the first steps laid out in the Green Party’s Code of Conduct.

Legally required non voting, functional roles


  • Maintain proper accounts for EGP, including recording all donations and loans received

  • Submit to The Green Party of England & Wales (GPEW), quarterly reports of donations, loans, copies of annual accounts and any other information required under current legislation, within the time period specified by GPEW,

  • Carry out any permissibility checks required by the Electoral Commission before accepting donations or loans. Donations or loans that fail permissibility checks must be returned in accordance with the timetable specified by the Electoral Commission

  • Arrange payment of any bills incurred by the party and will notify the Executive Committee if the party’s bank account is in danger of becoming overdrawn

  • present a financial report for each meeting of the Executive

  • Together with the other members of the Executive, produce a budget showing expected income and expenditure for the year ahead to help in the planning of the party’s activities.

Election Agent

The election agent’s work tends to be concentrated into the weeks between March and June, ie each side of the annual May local government elections.

The election agent is the agent for EGP’s declared election candidates. They are legally responsible for:

  • Being the 'promoter' of their candidates in both paper and digital election material ie their name appears on all such material

  • Authorising publications from the candidate

  • Authorising candidate spending and ensuring compliance with election law

  • Handling donations and ensuring compliance with election law; ( (in collaboration with the Treasurer)

  • Keeping meticulous records of campaign spending and donations, (in collaboration with the Treasurer)

  • Reporting campaign expenses and donations after the election


  • to record minutes of Executive, Member, AGM & Extraordinary General Meetings and provide them within 7 days in draft form to Executive.
  • post minutes and other relevant documents on Green Party of England and Wales Green Spaces website

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