Help make this Exeter Green Party's most successful year!

With a strong local party and candidates for election Exeter will be Green in no time

You could be a Green Councillor next year!

Green Councillors come from all walks of life and need have no previous experience or specialist skills. If you care about making Exeter a better place, why not click here to find out more about being a candidate? The more candidates we have willing to stand across our target wards the more councillors we can win in May 2024. Deadline to apply is 6pm 9th July.

Executive Committee - could you be one of the Party's organisers?

At our AGM this summer (date TBC), we will elect a new Executive Committee - the three people who oversee Exeter Green Party. These officers are key to having a strong, growing local Party - could you be one of them? Find out more here. Support and guidance will be provided to anyone interested. Deadline for nominations is 6pm 9th July.

Ward and party support roles

There are lots of opportunities to get involved with supporting and growing our party. We particularly need volunteers with specialist skills - digital and IT, communications and social media, graphic design, website management, organising people and events. Any time you can offer will be much appreciated! Find out more.

No spare time at all?

We know how busy many of you are, so perhaps you can think about making a small regular contribution to our election campaign costs? It costs around £2000 to run a year's campaign in just one ward. We know for sure that we can win in more wards than we currently target but for that we will need more funds. Find out more here

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