We must Flatten the Curve of Inequality in San Diego & Imperial Counties.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it unprecedented challenges for our communities, as well as opportunities for widespread change.
Learn more about the issue areas we're prioritizing in our efforts to #FlattenTheCurveOfInequality:
Catch up on our Flatten the Curve of Inequality Webinar Series:
Part 1: Advancing Racial Justice & Equity during COVID-19
Take action:
- DONATE to community bail funds to free protestors.
- SUPPORT the local advocacy work for an independent commission on police practices.
- LEARN MORE about Community Advocates for Just and Moral Governance (MoGo).
- ADVOCATE for budgetary demands assembled by the Community Budget Alliance.
- TELL your elected leaders we need police accountability now.
Part 2: Decarceration as a Response to COVID-19
- DONATE to local community bail funds:
- CONNECT with local organizations doing the work:
- TELL your elected leaders:
- We need police accountability now and that we need to pass policies that prioritize justice, investment in our communities and divestment from the police.
- To decarcerate our jails and detention centers by releasing more youths and adults. Click here to take action in San Diego and here for Imperial Counties.
Part 3: Making Ends Meet during COVID-19
- ADVOCATE with the Invest in San Diego Families Coalition to ensure the San Diego County budget process is accessible to all, and that our county budget includes investments that further equity and economic justice.
- FOLLOW the work of the Regional COVID-19 Taskforce for an Equitable Recovery - meetings are livestreamed here.
- DONATE TO and SUPPORT the work of We All We Got San Diego Mutual Aid.
- CONNECT with the Black Business Relief Grant Fund established by the Central San Diego Black Chamber of Commerce.
- VISIT Legal Aid Society of San Diego's website for more information and resources on San Diego’s eviction moratorium.
Part 4: Support for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
Access recording with transcript and ASL interpretation here
Acceda al audio en español aquí
- TELL your elected leaders we need police accountability now.
- FOLLOW the work of the Coalition for Police Accountability and Transparency to join the work to address biased policing across San Diego County.
- DONATE to and SUPPORT the work of We All We Got San Diego, a mutual aid fund providing solidarity, not charity.
- LEARN more from local community advocates with Think Dignity.
Part 5: Education Equity in the Age of COVID-19
Access the recording with transcript and ASL interpretation here
Acceda al audio en español aquí
- HELP our youth by getting involved with Youth Will.
- DISCOVER and advocate against the lack of equitable school funding at the school board level:
- LISTEN to the needs of our local youth at San Diego Unified School District:
- GIVE to the family of Arafa Mater, who lost her life due to medical racism.
- REQUEST legal assistance if your civil rights have been violated.
- LEARN about the experiences and realities of Black boys and men in education from Black Minds Matter.