Grayndler Campaign Example

Over the next 6 months, the Right Track community coalition in Grayndler is raising the voice of people who care about safety, fairness and freedom for people seeking asylum.

We have a range of ongoing actions you can take - click on one on the right side of this page to get started!

Who are we?  

We’re a growing movement of people from all walks of life who feel deeply uncomfortable about how our governments choose to treat people seeking asylum.

We’re  concerned about our Government‘s changes to the asylum process which unfairly impacts on people who have come by sea and are living in our communities or held in detention.  

We stand for fairness and dignity over fear. We believe successive governments have taken the process of seeking asylum which has always been a humanitarian and moral issue and made it a political issue.

Our political leaders and the media have built a conversation based on the politics of secrecy and fear, which has caused confusion and division in our communities.  This has occurred on both sides of politics, we are therefore non-partisan, and include people from all party preferences.

We are a community who prides ourselves on a long tradition of fairness and compassion. We believe that when people reflect on their values and have a greater understanding of what people are experiencing, they too will support a fairer process for people seeking asylum. We believe the best in our community.

To create a fair asylum process we need to work together to bring people into a conversation which is guided by our values and is beyond politics.

Getting on the Right Track to a fair asylum process is up to all of us, the power to change policies depends on the citizens of Australia.