Mind the GAPP: Grads Deserve Better

Graduate workers at UW–Madison deserve better pay, health care, and working conditions. Take five minutes to let the administration of our university know the changes that would improve your work.

The Graduate Assistant Policies and Procedures (GAPP) Committee at UW-Madison is tasked with translating the Teaching Assistants’ Association’s collectively bargained contract into a policies handbook. The TAA has fought hard to win seats on this university committee and to make sure the committee meetings are open for all graduate students to share their questions and concerns. The GAPP Committee is finishing a full semester of meetings and hard work, but we have not yet reached agreement on many of the policies that govern our work. We worry that the committee will conclude its work before addressing many vital issues. While we have recently won a 13% raise for standard TAs and PAs, we recognize that UW–Madison needs to take more action to improve our working conditions. Take a few minutes to tell the GAPP Committee’s Executive Sponsors—the upper-level administrators who make the final decisions about our labor policies—the changes you think are most necessary.

These messages will go to:
  • Laurent Heller, Vice–Chancellor for Finance and Administration
  • Sarah C. Mangelsdorf, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  • William J. Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
  • Rebecca Blank, Chancellor of UW–Madison
As an expert in your workplace conditions, you know what is best for graduate workers at our university. Please choose one of the issues on the right side of this page to send a message directly to UW–Madison’s administration. You should send more than one letter if you are concerned about more than one issue. We have drafted sample language for these topics. You should adjust the text if you want to share your personal story or if you want to better emphasize the policies that matter to you. You should also feel free to send the sample language if you agree with its message.

Your action will demonstrate our collective power to UW–Madison’s administration.

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