ORHoCo Overpass Campaign

We at ORHoCo (along with friends from other organizations) have been active at the “overpass” on Gorman Road where it crosses I-95, on Fridays, for months… since the early summer. We reach many thousands of voter/commuters each day we are there.

Our actions focus on the messages we have on large banners (for both northbound and southbound traffic): "Stop Trump - Save America," "Defend Democracy," and the very simple and large, “VOTE”!

We plan to do this every Friday 4:00-6:15pm (unless it's raining), AND we will have DAILY events 4:00-5:00pm in the week before Election Day, from Tuesday 27 October to Monday 2 November.

We practice social distancing, and we wear masks! If you just want to drop by for 20-30 minutes, you needn't sign up in advance.

NOTE: In case of a contested election, we may start these up again, starting on 4 November. Stand by!
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