December Letter Drop
HR 4144 - SAVE Benefits Act (Duckworth) Seniors will not be receiving a cost of living adjustment and; many Americans rely on Social Security benefits. We urge you to cosponsor the SAVE Benefits Act (H.R. 4144) to provide for a supplementary payment to Social Security beneficiaries, supplemental security income beneficiaries, and recipients of veterans benefits.
Healthcare is a Human Right! HR 676 – Expanded and Improved Medicare for All (Conyers) will provide lifelong healthcare for everyone. It is time to remove corporate control from healthcare and return it to medical professionals.
America needs a raise and The Inclusive Prosperity Act (HR 1464 – Ellison) is a tiny tax on Wall Street transactions (50 cents on a $100 sale) that generates more than $300 billion in revenue each year. This money would be invested in the American people for jobs, healthcare and social insurance programs.
We are in a climate emergency and the clock is ticking on humanity. It is time to transition from fossil fuels to clean, safe, renewable energy by ending fossil fuel extraction leases. HR 4535 – Keep It In the Ground (Huffman) seeks to do exactly that and end our dependence on fossil fuel.
Because many Americans rely on Social Security benefits, and won't receive cost of living adjustments, we urge you to cosponsor the SAVE Benefits Act (S. 2251) to provide for a supplementary payment to Social Security beneficiaries, supplemental security income beneficiaries, and recipients of veterans benefits. Please contact Sen. Elizabeth Warren's office at (202) 224-4543 to cosponsor.
We need jobs and a sustainable energy solution. The American Clean Energy Investment Act (S 2391 - Sanders) is both a jobs bill, energy independence bill and renewable energy bill. There are three (3) parts of this bill: Reduction of Carbon Pollution and Job Creation by transitioning to sustainable energy sources, promotion of energy efficient saving money for consumers and businesses and finally creation of a path for Americans to move beyond oil.
Millennials are drowning in student debt. The College for All Act (S 1373 – Sanders) directs the Department of Education (ED) to award grants to states to eliminate tuition and required fees at public institutions of higher education. This bill also allows student loan borrowers to modify interest rates on outstanding federal student loans to current rates; reauthorize the Federal Work Study program for FY2016-FY2020; eliminate existing base guarantees of Federal Work Study funds to Institutions of Higher Education and requires funds to be allocated based solely on the aggregate need of the institution’s students.
When Congress returns from recess after the election, they will again be working on a budget. The Inclusive Prosperity Act (S 1371 – Sanders) is a tiny tax on Wall Street transactions (50 cents on a $100 sale) that generates more than $300 billion in revenue each year that is used to fund discretionary social programs.
We are in a climate emergency and the clock is ticking on humanity. It is time to transition from fossil fuels to clean, safe, renewable energy by ending fossil fuel extraction leases. S 2238 – Keep It In the Ground (Merkley) seeks to do exactly that and end our dependence on fossil fuel.