We must strategically optimize the most important tools we have as ordinary citizens: our abilities to VOTE, Get Out The Vote, and Organize.
Please join us to FOCUS on organizing and mobilizing voters to VOTE EARLY, Day 1, when feasible.
Every voting early effort is applauded. Pre-voting events are also encouraged.
Why this is critical:
Early voting reduces the voter pool, allowing the campaigns to focus on mobilizing key swing districts and states.
It's a matter of resources. When people vote early the campaigns will not contact them, saving valuable time! This is a gift we can give the campaigns.
We need to vote as soon as the polls open. In our current climate we have no idea what is coming, not to mention everyday occurrences: sickness, bad weather, car problems, emergencies!
Voting Early allows for early identification and correction of registration errors and voting system glitches.
Many people enjoy going to the polls on Election Day: "it’s tradition, have to work the polls anyway, love seeing their neighbors, it’s patriotic".
THIS YEAR, our new tradition, showing that you believe in the importance that everyone votes, please Vote Early and find or make an event here!
If you can’t organize to vote on day 1, all early voting efforts are important! Please make an event here with the tools.