2019 Budget Day of Action in Harrisburg
Start: Tuesday, June 04, 2019•10:30 AM
End: Tuesday, June 04, 2019• 3:00 PM
We’re looking forward to our PA’s Choice campaign’s annual Budget Day of Action at the State Capitol on Tuesday, June 4th! People from across the state will be in Harrisburg, communicating to their legislators that we need a budget the puts people first by making critical investments in education, human services, health care, & environmental protection. They’ll also be reminding lawmakers that Pennsylvania deserves a raise, encouraging them to raise the state’s minimum wage to $12/hour, increasing to 15/hour in subsequent years.
10:30AM – Legislative briefing & lobby training – East Wing Rotunda
11:00AM – Legislative office visits
11:30AM – Home Matters Day press conference & mini-rally (convened by the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania) – Rotunda, Main Capitol, First Floor
12:00PM – PA’s Choice Budget Rally (featuring Lt. Gov. John Fetterman) – Rotunda, Main Capitol, First Floor
1:00PM – Boxed lunches (provided by PA Budget & Policy Center) – Capitol Dining Area, East Wing, Concourse Level / Legislative office visits
1:30PM – Save General Assistance press conference (convened by PA Health Access Network) – Rotunda, Main Capitol, First Floor
2:30PM – Minimum wage action (convened by Raise the Wage PA coalition & Restaurant Opportunity Center United) – Meet at main entrance to the Capitol; action will include going outdoors and walking several blocks through downtown Harrisburg [exact route TBD]
3:00/3:15PM – Conclude; buses depart
Get On the Bus! Reserve your seat on one of the buses traveling to the Capitol (& order a boxed lunch).
Pittsburgh Bus (coordinated by Just Harvest)
Departure/Return Location: 398 S. Carson Street, Pittsburgh PA 15203
Meet at 7:00AM; Bus departs at 7:30AM
Bus will return to Pittsburgh by 6:30PM
Philadelphia Bus (coordinated by Mental Health Partnerships)
Departure/Return Location: 3025 Walnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19104 (outside of the World Cafe Live)
Meet at 7:30AM
Bus will return to Philadelphia by 5:00PM
Montgomery County Bus (coordinated by Hopeworx)
Departure/Return Location: Norristown Transportation Center, Lafayette & Swede Streets, Norristown, PA 19401
Meet at 7:30AM
Bus will return to Norristown by 4:45PM
Bring a Carload of Friends! Contact your friends & neighbors and carpool to the Capitol! If you live in Bucks County, Delaware County, the Lehigh Valley, or northeastern PA (communities with high priority “swing vote” legislators), and you bring a carload (4 or more participants) to the Budget Day of Action, PBPC will help to defray your travel costs by providing you with a $50 Visa gift card. Contact Jeff Garis for more information.
If you registered for one of the buses & submitted your lunch preferences, you do not need to register here.
If you plan to meet us at the Capitol on June 4th, please register here on this page so that we receive your lunch order and so that we have an adequate supply of resources for legislative office visits (maps of the Capitol, lists of legislators’ office locations, materials to leave with legislators/staff, etc.)