350 Asheville Climate March Planning Meeting
Start: Monday, March 20, 2017• 6:30 PM
Do you want to help mobilize our community around the People's Climate March? Do you want to help organize people to get to D.C.? Help plan a Sister March? Volunteer?
Join our kick off planning meeting to be involved in all aspects of planning and organizing our community for the People's Climate March!
We will contact you with the event details, including the location.
This is one of hundreds of planning meetings happening around the county dedicated to organizing, planning, and recruiting for the April 29th People's Climate March in Washington D.C.
At the meeting, you'll get plugged in to all the work happening in our city. Topics will be wide ranging including what's in the works, how you can get involved, and how you can recruit others to join.
We look forward to seeing you there!
350 Asheville