350 Youth Action Committee (YAC) - Denver Art Action!
Start: Friday, June 09, 2023•10:30 AM
End: Friday, June 09, 2023• 1:00 PM
The 350 Youth Action Committee is standing up to end the era of fossil fuels! Join us in Denver on Friday, June 9th 2023!
We're hosting an art action in Denver at Chessman Park (exact location coming soon!) as a part of the People Vs Fossil Fuels national weekend of action to End the Era of Fossil Fuels! This event will be focused on youth climate advocacy and leadership because we are the leaders of tomorrow.
This event will be a NVDA or a non violent direct action in which students and community members will celebrate the end of the school year and use chalk to create murals of a visual representation of the prompt “Building our Future”. Help spread the word with the Youth Action Committee's Action Toolkit!
This event is accessible