How Can African and European Activists Support Each Other? A Zoom Discussion.
Start: Saturday, September 19, 2020 at 1:00 PM GMT
This is a virtual event

All around the world, people are fighting for a livable climate and a planet that will be habitable for us and future generations. Our circumstances are different, but our goals are the same. In order to strengthen our allyship, we will start regular exchanges in the form of panel discussions between activists from different regions. We will tell each other our stories, our struggles, and our hopes for the future. We will listen to each other and learn from each others’ experiences. The first of hopefully many more will be between activists from Europe and Africa. As guests we have: Maureen Damen (Senegal), Patricia Kombo (Kenya), Sadrach Nirere (Uganda), Fabia Hultin Morger (Switzerland/Sweden) and Angelika Richard (Hungary). The discussion will be moderated by Alex Raffoul. Please sign up on the right and you will receive the link to join the conversation. Your inputs will be taken up in the discussion.