Fridays for Future Action Network, International

'Everybody is Welcome, Everybody is Needed!', Greta Thunberg, 8th of Sept, 2018,

Rålambshovsparken, (Rålambshov Park), Stockholm, Sweden

Fridays for Future AN as part of FFF is an international movement to combat the climate crisis. We believe that listening to and following the best available science should be at the heart of our government’s policies and actions. However, many of our current elected officials choose to ignore the scientific consensus on the climate crisis, deny its severity and the speed of its acceleration. Therefore, we must take action to ensure that our governments listen to the science and fight to stop the catastrophes Most Affected Places and Areas (MAPA) have experienced for years and less affected areas are beginning to see today.

We are the embodiment of people power.  

We are school children, who are fighting for our right to a liveable future.

We are frontline communities, who did not create this crisis but already live with the brunt of its impacts and its acceleration.

We are parents, who want to see children live in a world better than the one we brought them into.

We are everyone, who wants to see science as a foundation for all decision making for our Climate.

The issue of the climate crisis unites us all. In order to stop the climate crisis, we need everyone to join us in this fight.

Demands: We strike every Friday to demand that people in power:

  • Keep the global temperature rise below 1.5C compared to pre-industrial levels.
  • Follow the Paris Agreement and ensure climate justice. #ParisAgreement #ClimateJustice
  • Listen to the best united science currently available. #ListenToTheScience

History: On Monday, the 20th of August, 2018, Greta Thunberg sat in front of the Swedish Parliament and started School strike for Climate. On the 8th of September, Greta decided to continue the strike every Friday and wanted everybody to join. 'Everybody is welcome, Everybody is needed!'.

On the Friday after the 'Everyone's Welcome, Everyone's Needed!' speech, the 14th of September, just after this speech, three hashtags, #ClimateStrike, #FridaysforFuture and #FFF, were chosen to include everyone. #SchoolStrike4Climate was already used for the original strike. In the months after this, the Fridays For Future movement was established, including social media and web pages, to enable everyone to join together and stand up to governments ignoring the science.

Fridays for Future is a movement of people of diverse neurotypes, sex, race, age, sexual identity and religion. Our strength is our breadth and inclusion. Fridays for Future prides itself on respecting the autonomy of local groups.

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