Volunteer Form FFF Local v2

Your information supplied here is crucial to taking the next step in organized volunteering. We will keep the information within the FFF Action Network (AN), which uses the US based Action Network.   We seek to help build local groups which in turn organize many in the community to fight for protecting the climate.  You do not have to be affiliated with FFF to work together in this effort. Here are some choices in volunteering, many of which will help your group internally with data. You are encouraged to choose many things you enjoy doing or things that you believe can help the group. Make your selections on the right. More information about FridaysforFuture is available online at fridaysforfuture.org. Also take a look at the calendar especially for coming trainings and events.

Here is the information we would appreciate.

What is your town location?

What is the name of your local group if you have one, otherwise none?

Would you like to help--

--with data entry? This involves essentially pressing a few keys after logging in and carefully putting data into the AN system.

--with advanced data issues, including program writing with a special skill set on the data side?

--creating an event with your local group? This involves above all helping to organize talks, information or training events. With others in your group, you would help to plan and execute an event.

--tabling with your local group? This could involve having a table and sharing materials with others. Or it could involve  having a table at a location of your choice and reaching out to folks there about FFF, offering materials, gathering signatures for our petition. Tabling could also take place at our events like a talk or meetup.

--contacting and working with volunteers. This involves often enjoying working with folks and understanding how they can help build the group and finding the right fit for them. For example, in having an event, the local may may need volunteers.

--working with certain areas such as social media, photo and video, writing, or graphics and art.

--doing all of the above and helping build your group. This involves doing all of the above on a somewhat flexible basis. It takes time and understanding to grow a group.

--other help, from providing refreshments to printing materials to programming skills such as writing script.

What is your time frame for helping, weekly or quarterly? How many hours would you have available per week? Put down a reasonable steady amount. If you feel comfortable, come in later to expand it.

Keep in mind we are all unpaid volunteers and every moment you can spare for our effort to deal with protecting against climate breakdown is cherished. Also keep in mind much work can be done from home though most important is reaching local residents. We hope your group will build that base in your community so that we can push forward at the grassroots the change we need.

Thank you.