April 19th Los Angeles Youth Climate Strike
Start: Friday, April 19, 2024•12:00 PM
End: Friday, April 19, 2024• 4:00 PM
On April 19, 2024, Youth Climate Strike Los Angeles (YCSLA), Friday's For Future (FFF) and Extinction Rebellion Youth Los Angeles (XRYLA) will join forces against the climate crisis by striking and creating a bike bus (a coordinated, safe group bike route) that will ride through the streets of Los Angeles.
(Biking is entirely optional, we encourage you to come with or without a bike)
YCSLA has been holding climate strikes in Los Angeles since 2019, mobilizing youth to counter our government’s lack of climate action. As LA Youth, we’re using this climate strike to build power and solidarity with broader social movements in Los Angeles and to support other youth leaders in our fight for climate adaptation.
Our strike’s demands center on organizing people-pressure on our elected officials to ACT NOW on the climate crisis and to end our dependence on oil. Our targets include—but are not limited to—LA City, LA County, LADWP, LAUSD, the State of California, CalTrans, the Federal Government, and dirty companies like Hyundai, Exonn, Mobile, and Chevron.