April 2024 UWSA Unlearning Circle (4/13/2024)

Start: 2024-04-13 10:00:00 UTC Central Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2024-04-13 12:00:00 UTC Central Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

For the April Unlearning Circle, we in the ULC work group thought we could start a series on analyzing power. Whew. That word ‘power’ can be activating by itself. Power can mean so many different things in so many different contexts. We all have experiences that deeply shape us around power: whether that is feeling powerless, being told we have power we didn’t want or ask for, trying to be empowered within circumstances that are out of our control, and the myriads of other ways we can find ourselves in some kind of relationship to power in our day-to-day lives.

Here, in the Undoing White Supremacy Austin Unlearning Circles, we focus on racism, white supremacy culture, and how as predominantly white identified people, those show up in our lives in big and small ways. When we gather the morning of Saturday, April 13th to start analyzing power, we will continue to hold that focus, as we get curious and explore together the ways racism and white supremacy culture show up in the power dynamics we are a part of.  

We will continue with a more open format where folks can enter and leave the zoom room at any time in the 2 hours we will spend together. Because we are navigating challenging topics and building community together, trust is essential to this work. In that spirit we have an expectation that we will all be on camera while together. We know that sometimes that is not possible, and in those instances we ask for transparency around that with the group.

For feedback or questions contact us at Undoingwhitesupremacy@gmail.org

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