Canvassing Tools: Bystander Intervention Training
Start: Thursday, March 29, 2018• 7:00 PM
End: Thursday, March 29, 2018• 9:00 PM

Please join Swing Left Peninsula, the Peninsula Young Democrats and The Democratic Volunteer Center for Non-Violent Bystander Intervention Training lead by CAIR.
“Hate crimes are on the rise in California. If you witnessed someone being bullied, harassed or assaulted, would you know how to respond?
Non-Violent Bystander Intervention Training by CAIR: In this training, participants will learn how to disrupt harassment as it is taking place thus creating a safer community. Trainers from CAIR will provide participants with tools and strategies on how to safely intervene if they witness a bias incident or hate crime taking place.”
This is an important skill for all resistance groups to have, especially in the current political climate.
Guest Speaker: Andrew Schutts, Programs Coordinator Assistant for the Council On America-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Co-Sponsors: Swing Left Peninsula, Democratic Volunteer Center (DVC), and Peninsula Young Democrats (PYD)
Each attendee should please signup on Action Network.
The program will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m.
By clicking RSVP, you agree to Swing Left’s Organizer Liability Statement.