Cardiff Citizens General Election Accountability Assembly

Start: Thursday, June 20, 2024 5:00 PM

End: Thursday, June 20, 2024 6:15 PM

Location:Church of The ResurrectionGrand Ave, Ely, Cardiff , CF5 4HX GB

There's a general election happening on 4th July and Cardiff Citizens invite you to join us to participate in an Accountability Assembly. It's an opportunity to get clear on our communities' priorities ahead of the election and to build relationships with candidates seeking to be our next MPs across Cardiff.

Food will be served from 4:30pm (for adults and children) with the Assembly beginning at 5pm.

In the Assembly we will:

  • Hear stories from our communities on the issues we care about and what we want the next UK Government to prioritise, including housing, jobs, young people, and refugees
  • Share the success of campaigns from the alliance already happening across the city
  • Meet with parliamentary candidates from across Cardiff (north, south, east and west) and ask them to commit to working with us to create change in Cardiff should they become our next MPs

Cardiff Citizens is an alliance of civil society organisations across Cardiff who work together to create positive social change, build relationships with decision makers and hold them to account.

Whether you're from an existing member organisation or one thinking of joining - we would love to see you there.

Please note: This is not a hustings and anyone heckling will be asked to leave.

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