Art Build: 350 Pensacola

Start: Saturday, April 15, 2017 1:00 PM

End: Saturday, April 15, 2017 5:00 PM

Calling on Artivists of Pensacola

Do you want to help mobilize your community around the People’s Climate March in Pensacola?

Do you want to help create and paint banners, posters, and flags that share your community’s stories, struggles and solutions for a better tomorrow?

From now until April 29, there are hundreds of art builds, community meetings, and organizing events dedicated to planning and recruiting for the Peoples Climate March on April 29th -- and we want you to join us.

During April 8-16, communities around the country will hold Nationwide Art Builds to turn their visions, solutions and demands into powerful art. We’ll come together to make banners, parachutes, and signs -- and in the process, meet fellow marchers, share stories, and weave a collective vision of the world we are fighting to build.

We hope you'll join us and help make the Peoples Climate March as powerful as it can be.

Don't forget to RSVP for the People's Climate March.

We look forward to seeing you at the Art Build and at the People's Climate March!