Demand People's Stimulus From Rep. Richard Neal

Start: Saturday, July 25, 202012:30 PM

Join the Movement for a People's Party to

Demand A People's Stimulus From Rep. Richard Neal

MPP invites you to join with us as we rally to support ...

Demand a People's Stimulus of Rep. Richard Neal, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee

We will gather together at 12:30PM in Springfield. Put signs on cars.

Car caravan to Rep. Richard Neal's House arriving at 1:00PM

Coming from Worcester Area:

10:00 am Meet at Route 146 Commuter Parking Lot Worcester, to decorate and tape posters to cars. Location Route 20 at Route 146, across from entrance to Mass Turnpike
11:00 am Depart Parking Lot heading west on Route 20 toward Springfield.
12:30 pm Meet in Springfield and park around Callhoun Park, 82 Jefferson Ave.
1:00 pm Proceed by car or on foot to walk past Richard Neal’s home and leave our demands with him.
1:45 pm (optional) Regroup at Calhoun Park to share experiences and convoy home.

Coming from Southbridge, Sturbridge, Warren, Wales, Palmer, Monson etc.:

Call Alex Rothfelder at 908-456-2869 to get exact details

Pre-decorate your car

Wait on Route 20 for our procession to come by between 11 and 12:30and join in!

Coming from the Valley, the Berkshires or greater Springfield:

12:00 pm Park by Calhoun Park 82 Jefferson Ave. Springfield to Decorate your cars

Stay tuned for more options as they develop!