DSA Night School: How Can Educators Stop Unsafe Openings? Lessons from the Red State Revolt

Start: 2020-08-25 19:00:00 UTC Mountain Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-06:00)

This is a virtual event

How Can Educators Stop Unsafe Openings? Lessons from the Red State Revolt

As President Trump pushes to open schools as if COVID-19 were under control, and Governor Little cuts Idaho’s education budget by $99 million (with more austerity certain to come), let’s look to West Virginia, Oklahoma and Arizona, where teachers found that striking was possibly their only tool to fight for the welfare of themselves, their students, and their communities.

Former teacher, labor organizer, journalist and DSA member Eric Blanc will join us to discuss how the collective action of Idaho educators could stop unsafe openings of schools.

Event by
Elton Kelly
Eagle, Idaho
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