Racetrack Rally & Community Meeting!

Start: Tuesday, July 25, 2023 4:00 PM

End: Tuesday, July 25, 2023 7:30 PM

The Nashville Fairgrounds Speedway expansion plans only help the rich and hurt Nashvillians!

Let your voice be heard at the 4pm rally and 5pm community meeting Tuesday, July 25 at GEODIS Park. The current plans do not protect affordable housing that was won through a tough fight, and do not sufficiently address  community concerns including noise, traffic, lack of community engagement, and gentrification. Neighboring residents and Nashvillians have a right to be heard and included in deals that impact our city’s future.

Take action!

  • The rally will feature speakers from Stand Up Nashville, South Nashville Action People, Neighbors Opposing Track Expansion for Nashville, The Equity Alliance, and more.
  • The community meeting will being public comments at 6pm with two minutes allowed per person. The meeting will conclude at 7:30pm.
  • Parking is available in Lot 9 and Lot 10. See map below for directions.

Our elected officials must do better by the community and stop caving in to corporate greed. This is Music City, not Noisy City!

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